40. Mia

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"What's up with you? You have barely touched your pizza" Furrowing her brow, Andrea looks at me inquisitively holding up her slices of pizza that quickly enough disappears into her mouth. It's a movement so fast that as me wonder of how such a pretty thing can become a wild beast when it comes to food.

"Uh?" I shrug, grabbing one of my cheesy slices of pizza on which a bite quite fast. " I'm just lost in thoughts, I guess" My attention to her only now swift to her, who of course is still looking at me.

"And what precisely were you thinking about?"

" Everything."

"And by everything...You mean my brother?" There it is. The grin that takes over her pretty face. One thing about Andrea, is that she always knows what's going on in my head and she won't drop it until I speak. I guess that's why we are besties right?

"Yeah...sort of" Taking another bite of the pizza I let go of the slice reaching for the beer in front of me. " It's just...everything has happened so fast that none of us has really thought think through ...We've been living in a fantasy bubble for the past month and I think we both lost track of reality and time"

" A bubble of sex you mean?" Throwing a chip at me she quickly stuffs her mouth with pizza again and taking a sip of her beer, she gives me a confused smile. " Because you two haven't been able to keep your hands off each other since you arrived!"

" That's not true!!!" I squirm throwing the same chips back at her " But yes... a fantasy bubble of sex too..."

" So what's troubling you? You know that the fact that you are going back home doesn't mean shit right?"

" How can I know that Andre? I mean... Is not like we live close...plus I can't just leave everything and come here or the other way around! I'm not even sure if this is a serious thing you know."

"What the fuck are you talking about now?!" The look on her face is so outraged that's almost funny. " You know that is bullshit right? And is it just your inner demon trying to sabotage yourself ?"

" Mh... Maybe. But honestly, how can this ever work out?"

" Didn't you guys have a little chat about it at all?"

" We...well..sort of" shifting on my chair, I try to keep my mind off the of the exact moment we briefly talked about that, but trying to not think about it only makes me think of that more. Biting my bottom lip I let the slice of pizza back in the plate and as the memory of my first night with Storm unfolds in my head, a smug laugh brings me back to reality. " What?" I ask furrowing my brows.

" You were totally thinking about sex with my brother!!!!!!"

" Oh shut up!" Waving at her I stand up only to walk to the porch, I'm in need of a cigarette.

" But you totally were..." Dropping her plate in the sink Andrea follows me outside, lighting up her cigarette just as fast. " You know... My brother might not be the best to express his feelings Mia, but I really think he is all in for you"

Letting my body slowly drop to the floor as I sit on the stairs of the porch, I keep my eyes ahead of me, getting lost in the beauty of the sunset in front of me. " I am too... all in for him. This is not the point ...the point is that I have two weeks left here and I don't know how to bring that up. I also don't know if I can be strong enough in two week to let him go..."

" Mia...you don't need to let my brother go anywhere, that is insanity! You just need to stop overthinking it and go with the flow you know? I've already told you, I'm sure you guys will make things work"

" But how??? I'm gonna go back home and start Uni... While he is going to be here working,looking damn hot for everyone to see...and you know, busy! He has a life here...Yes we will see each other any other weekend for what? The first few months? Then what?" Dropping my face in my hands I let out a loud growl and before Andrea can even answer me, my brain is already vomiting the next words without me thinking " Yes I could move back here...but what about my mum? Should I live her alone? Because she is definitely not ready to come back here... no yet!" Taking another puff of cigarette Inwatxh as the sky slowly become darker, just like my thought. "And you know what's the most infuriating thing?" I don't even wait for her response, again, but I'm sure she is just there listening, as always. " I've never stopped liking your brother. He has always been in the back of my mind, keeping me company all these years.w It's almost as if my crush for him grew with me...developing into something bigger as soon as my my eyes met his one again when I arrived." Sitting next to me Andrea hugs me from my shoulder and kissing the top of my head she lets out a small giggle which only proves one thing, she always knew it.

" I just don't understand why you waited so long to come back here. Talking honestly, we both know that you have been somehow waiting for my brother all this time."

" What do you mean?" Biting the inside of my lips I watch as Andrea gives me a smirk and shrugging her shoulder she simply nods her head.

" I mean...no boys have ever been good enough for you. Not here not there. You didn't even looked at boys when you were here and then when you moved, well you got yourselfd mixed up with the worse you could find only because, in the back of you head as you said you had only one boy."

" That is sooooo fucked up Andrea."

" But isn't that true?"

" Aaaargh...I should have known better... I should have avoided him! You...you should have kept us apart!"

" Me?? nope sorry. Couldn't have done that. I saw how my brother looked at you on the first day... So I thought...you guys needed a push."

I can feel my eyes ready to pop out of my orbs as my mouth fells open at her words. I don't know if I'm pissed or shocked, might be both really. " You...did what?"

" Well... listen. As you said my brother has been on your mind for as long as I can recall and when I saw the way you two reacted to each other... I knew I had to do something"

" You ...you are ..."

" the best friend you could ever have."

" ...I was going to say unbelievable, but that can't work too" Resting my head on top of her shoulder, we both laugh at my words and just as I'm about to move, Andrea next question makes mem freeze on the spot.

" Do you love him?"

While my body seems to be shocked by her question my heart has never beaten so fast. The words almost roll out of my tongue even before my brain register them. There is no doubt here, never been.

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