38. Mia

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I can't lie and not say that, yes, I've been enjoying myself a lot today. The photoshoot was fun until it lasted, and even if I felt a bit uncomfortable at times, having Storm so close helped me relax. Watching him at work has been a great experience too. He is so at ease around here that he makes the job look easy, even if it isn't easy. Everybody's eyes are on him all the time, and people expect a lot from him.

Honestly, I don't know how he does it—being in the spotlight as people tell you what to do, how to act, when to breathe and so on and meanwhile being cool. I'm sure he does like it, though; after all, he has always been the centre of attention since he was young. A playboy who liked attention more than anything else. Of course, he is a grown-up now and is not such an attention seeker anymore, but the fact that he was, I'm sure, helped him in his career. What didn't change is how easy he can get distracted. Today his attention has been for me and no one else. Even Kim struggled to give him direction, to the point that she had to give up. Because he wasn't listening and because I believe everybody could feel the sexual tension growing between us.

Being so close and intimate and not able of touching each other or kiss made us both bothered and sexually frustrated. Having him being that sexy so close only made my mind visualise what to do once we were alone. That's why I can't lie and say that I haven't been waiting for this moment to come. Hell no! In fact, I've been thinking about it so much that I do have a clear picture of what I wanted to happen in here, right now.

Curling my finger around Storm's messy hair, I have to suppress a gasp the moment my t-shirt flies open on the table, however, even if my face shows shock all over, my pussy clenches at the gesture, appreciating his impatience.

"I told you...I can't hold myself, Kitten" The fact that taking off my bra takes him less than a second makes me purr against my lips but when his face reaches the cavity between my breast a low moan slips out, making him growl against my warm skin.

Cupping one of my boobs as his lips leave kisses on my chest, Storm takes his sweet time teasing me as my finger tight slightly against his messed hair. I can feel my body relaxing at this touch but at the same time, the pressure between my thighs is driving me insane. I feel relief when his lips finally cover my breast and the moment his attention lend on my pierced nipples, I feel something exploding in my belly. Swirling his tongue around my nipples, he plays with my sensitive skin, but his lips close around it, sucking on it passionately, I'm forced to let out another moan trying to pull my leg closer to alleviate the pressure in my core.

Letting go of my nipple with a loud pop, Storm reaches my legs and keeps them apart with his hands, he locks eyes with me, now licking his lips devilishly. "How wet are you, Kitten?"

As low as his voice could be his words still have the power to penetrate my skin and gulping almost instantly I look down, sure that he can see how wet I am through my jeans.

"Is that even a question?" I answer quickly as his hand moves from my breast down my flat stomach and the moment his hands disappear between my legs, I swear I can see his eyes change colour as his teeth disappear into his bottom lip.

"Fuck" Opening his palm against my wet and hot jeans, Storm cups my sex a few times without breaking eye contact. It's weird how that simple touch can make my frustration ease, yet my body needs way more than that. "Have you been waiting for this moment too, kitten?" With his eyes on me, he runs his hands along my thighs and, reaching for my button and zipper he hooks his finger around it making my body shiver. "Because I've definitely thought about this moment all day" Pushing his body closer, he brushes his hard length along my legs and distracts me with that, he undoes my jeans hooking his finger around it.

"More than waiting... I've been fantasising about this moment all day" I can see the light in Storm's eyes changing as my words hit him in a way that leaves him speechless. The darkness behind his eyes is pure lust and as his lips now open into a dirty mischievous smirk, it makes my core clench again.

"And what have you been fantasising about?" He whispers those words against my lips, while hooking his finger between the fabric of my panties and jeans. Inviting me to pull myself up lightly, je bites my bottom lip and once I follow his movement, he has me sitting on my bare ass, looking almost amazed.

I can feel the blood rushing up to my cheeks as his question echoes in my mind and truth to be told, I'm not sure I can bring myself to admit what I've been fantasising about. Looking away from him I try to make a sentence up in my mind but when his hands run between my bare thighs, pulling them slightly apart, I can't seem to think at all.

"Look at me, Mia." The demand in his tone makes me even wetter and rolling my eyes up at him I bit my lips, feeling how hard his sex is growing in his pants. "What have you been fantasising about?" Moving a few steps closer he asks the question again and his eyes move hungrily on my body the pressure between my legs becomes too much, making something snap in my brain. I know what I need, I know what I want.

"This. Me on this table...naked. And you..." Undressing as I speak Storm makes me lose track of my thoughts and his abs on full show surely don't help. Nor does his erections now on full show thanks to his jeans now curled on the floor. "And me?" With only his black boxers on, Storm closes the distance between us again and his curved brow shows me just how much he wants to hear my answer.

"And you...right here. Naked between my legs...ready to make me yours everywhere in this room but not before..." His finger moving teasingly along the inside on my legs only makes my breath hitches in my throat and, from the sly smirk stamped on his perfect face, he is well aware of what he is going through.

"Not before?"

"Not before you have had your taste of me and made me cum already..."

"Fuck it" Smashing his lips against mine in a hungry kiss, Storm slips his fingers along my slit and the moment his warm touch melt against my burning skin, I can feel shivers running along my back, causing me to moan hardly against his lips.

Spreading my southern lips apart, it takes him nothing to reach for my entrance and massaging my sex he teases me with his fingertip, locking his free hand around my ass.

"Storm...Stop teasing me" Kisses his way down my neck, along my collarbone and then chest, Storm slowly lowers himself until he is on his knee, in front of me. Taking space comfortably between my legs, he hooks his free hand beneath my ass and, pulling me closer to him, until I am basically on the edge of the dressing table he takes a deep breath, before looking up at me.

"Oh Kitten... I'm gonna make you cum so hard, that when we are finished you won't even be able to walk anymore..." No promise as never sound soo good and, by the lust hidden in the back of his eyes and the smile, devilish and sly stamped on his lips, I have no doubt that is exactly what is going to happen.

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