26. Mia

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The sun warming up my skills feels way too good to move right now, even though, I know that probably, instead of sunbathing some more, I should follow Andrea in the pool in order to avoid a sunburn that I definitely don't need. "Have you heard a word of what I've been saying?" Andrea calls out from the pool way too loudly and, of course, when I open my eyes to perk at her, she is already at the edge of the pool studying me.

"I am...Of course, I am, and I've already answered your question: No, I won't go out with Kyle's brother" Closing my eyes again I bend my legs slightly in order to have a more comfortable position and furrowing my nose, I almost frown at myself. The idea alone of going out with someone - someone that is not Storm, don't settle right in my stomach; just like the thoughts that I haven't seen him all day. Yeah, play it cool Mia. Great way to go.

"But why? He is cute...besides, it would be a good thing for you to go out with someone...see new faces, explore the world"

" I got the point...thanks. But...I don't know, I don't really think he is my type." Right, because my type is your dearest brother. Dismissing her with a smile I roll on my back in order to avoid more questioning that I know, will just put me in a corner from which I won't be able to escape; but once I'm on my back, away from Andrea's inquisitive eyes, my mind takes me back at last night, recalling the events that followed after we left the pub way too vividly.

The moment we reached home, Storm took me upstairs to the attic where we watched the stars for a while, cuddling and kissing as if it was almost meant to be this way between us. His lips felt so soft against mine that it has been almost impossible for me to pull away. Honestly, I had no idea that kissing would be so addicting, so mind-consuming. The electricity in y body kept me on the edge - just from kissing, and I wondered If I could perhaps just reach the stars from our dance of tongues. Surely, his hands roaming free along my skin helped my body to swift between hot and cold feeling every touch ten times more. Yup, I'm indeed screwed. If only thinking about the way he kissed my neck had my ovaries in a twist, I can't be far from being royally fucked.

"Then what about Mark?" Squeezing the excess water from her hair down my spine, Andrea steps quickly aside when I jump up and low curses are sent her way but just like any other time, she gives me a wink, chuckling at herself as she takes place on the sunbed next to me.

"Who is Mark?" Storm's annoyed tone reaches us before his footsteps can, but since I'm turned with my back to both siblings, I can't see their expressions, and they can't see mine.

"Mark from the vinyl shop."

"Oh yeah, what about him?" Taking a seat at the edge of Andrea's sunbed, Storm tries to keep his cool as I try to keep mine.Following his movement with the corner of my eyes, I feel my body turn molten as he throws his T-shirt on the floor, giving me a full show of his mouth-watering chest. His eyes are on me as he stretches his arms above his head, and from the sexy smirk on his lips, he knows exactly what he is doing. Which seems to be having me drooling in front of his sister.

" Nothing...your sister, as always, is trying to get her way with me..." Luckily enough, I've been sunbathing all morning at least I don't need to find an excuse for the sudden rush of heat on my cheeks.

" I'm not trying to get my way with you...I'm just trying to get some sex coming your way..." Is a second, yet I don't miss the flush of anger running in Storm's eyes. With his back to Andrea, she can't see the way his jaw tense when her words are out of lips, but from my point of view, it's annoyance is clear. Standing up almost too fast, he reaches for my sunbed, where he stops his steps just to look down at me; a faint smirk on his lips and eyes that could burn my soul if it wasn't already burnt.

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