25. Storm

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If hell exists, I'm sure it will look like this. Me and my craving- my need - in the same room, but unable to reach for one another. An eternal punishment which sees me, on my own chair, and Mia, just a few inches away. So close but completely off-limits. Very easy to reach but banned from doing so. Unfair, sure, but I'm not sure is not deserved. Since she arrived, I've been so distracted by her that I have no idea what everybody is talking about.  My brain isn't even registering half of the words said because is too focused on picturing things like me touching her,  feeling her smooth skin against my fingers or feeling Mia's body against mine as I pull her on my lap. Amazing thoughts, but they distract me to the point that Andrea has to repeat herself to gain my attention.

"Storm? You ok?"

"Uh? Yeah...what's up?" I can't take my eyes off her, not now anyway that she has noticed how zoned out I am, and her smile has reached her eyes. Not even as she chuckles, hiding a grin at my obvious - to her - frustration.   " We just recalled the old times at the house before Mia moved away...and well " Andrea's eyes suddenly flush with mischievousness, scaring me almost. " Actually,  way before that and Mia here..." She says, pointing, and my little Kitten "  just pulled out a great old memory that made us wonder if you remember it at all..."

From the devilish smirk they both give it must be something embarrassing but to be fair, most of our memories are embarrassing. I was their favourite toy to play with,  and since my Dad was always on the little minx side, I had to do practically everything they asked. Embarrassing or not. " Well, sis...you need to be more specific. There are too many "great" memories of when you two were too the devilish little girl"

"Devilish, us?" The way Mia flashes her eyes at me with her big puppy eyes makes everybody laugh, me included, but all I can think of is her same expression this morning when she asked me if we had any spare time before I left for work.

"Yes. You both...You always used either my Dad or your mum as a weapon...once you forced Kyle into the trap too!"

"Oh yeah! I remember that! The princess theme party where we both had to dress up" Wrapping his hands around Andrea's waist, Kyle pulls her in as his laugh rumbles around the table, and the look we all share makes all of us laugh like crazy.

"Wait, what? You forced Kyle and Storm to dress up as princesses?" Sienna's genuine shock sounds almost cute, but when Mia turns to look at her, something more fleshes in her eyes, and Sienna's eyes land on mine, communicating silently. Yes, I've seen the V-neck. Yes, I'm going crazy.

"Not really. I believe it was our 7th birthday, which makes the boys almost 14th at the time, and we had this big party planned..." Mia's eyes flush with different lights as the recalling of those memories plays in her mind and happiness shines all the way through her skin. I have to say, I kind of miss that in her. That light that now is pushed back too often, almost as if she is banning herself from happiness.

" Yes...and our dads had to go on an emergency trip for work, so we ended up with no Prince Charming at our side..."

"No way....you didn't" Bring her hands to her mouth; Sienna tries to hold her laugh, but little did I know that Mia is full of secret weapons.

"Oh yes. They forced us to be their Prince Charming for the evening...Oh gosh, I can still remember how itchy those white tights were"

"Tights? You two?" Why are we even talking about this?

"In my defence...Mr Davis was scary ...but the two Misses were even worse. I could have never said no to them." The fact that Kyle is holding up his arms is even funnier right now.

"...Here! I knew I had it!"  Mia's giggle has everybody looking at her and even is she is giving me her best puppy eyes, I know nothing good is coming out of that giggle. " Here" she whispers not so silently to Sienna who's looking right away at Mia's phone. " Sorry", Mia mouths at me, but before I can understand, Sienna is laughing so hard that everybody can hear right now and I can see tears streaming down her face.

"Mia, what have you just shown her?" There is no seriousness in my tone, but the way my brow rise has Mia's attention on me." You can't...possibly" But I can't finish the sentence because Mia is already explaining.

"Well...I sent pictures to Andrea a while ago because she said she couldn't find hers... so You know, I was looking into the old family picture and finding a lot of good memories. So I shared them with your sister... you know, to save the memory"

"What a lucky coincidence, uh?  At least it was a great birthday...For you two," I say, eyeing Kyle, who is still laughing at something Andrea told him.  And yes, I'm a jealous fucker now. I would want nothing more than to keep Mia close as we look through the ridiculous picture she's found. Hugging her, kissing her. Feeling her close and happy.

" It was one of the best..."My sister and Mia answer in unison before Mia's eyes cross mine for a brief second. Her lips twitch, and she bit her bottom lip lightly before standing up with her phone in her pocket.  " Well, guys, I think I'm off "

"Already?"Andrea pout almost instantly, and if it wasn't for Kyle holding her - thanks fuck - she would be already up to reach Mia.

"I've got an early appointment in the morning, remember??"

"Oh shit. Right, do you want me to come with you?"

"No, of course not. Stay...I just need the key"  The side look she gives me is enough to light up the hope almost lost in me, and before Andrea can say anything else and force her way home with Mia, I stand up, smiling at my sister.

" I can walk Mia home. I wasn't planning on staying much longer either because tomorrow I've got an early shoot, so I kind of need the beauty rest."

"Right. This reminds me, you have to come to the shop before you go so you can get the merchandise and all the stuff" Thank god for Sienna.

"Yup. See you in the morning then?" Kissing Sienna's cheek, I reach up behind Mia, watching as the two whispers something to each other. I'm not sure how long this will be a secret, but if it makes her happy, so be it. But the moment she is ready, no one will stop me from claiming every inch of her body whenever I want.  

After waving at the entire table, we both walk away from the table and when we both are out of eyesight from my friends, Mia closes the distance between us, standing next to me.  "Do you think your sister suspects something?"

"I'm not sure.  I mean, I know she isn't stupid...but I think this thing with Kyle is keeping her busy enough."

"Uhm. Which isn't too bad"

" Nope. I'm happy that her attention is elsewhere." Wrapping my arms around her waist, I pull her in for a hug squeezing her against my chest.  Taking in her sweet, sexy scent, I hide my face into her neck before nibbling against her neck the moment we are out of the bar. " I can't do that", I whisper, kissing the spot behind her ear. " Sitting so close to you and knowing I can't touch you. It was driving me insane..."

"You are insane, Storm. " Cockiness suits her well. "Besides, doesn't the wait increase the desire making perhaps things more...interesting?" Smirking at me, she presses her body against mine for a brief moment and, just as I think I can finally taste her lips,  she slips away from me, taking a few steps ahead so that now I'm chasing her.

This is a teasing game, and I'm not sure I can handle it.


Aren't they cute???

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