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Twisting beneath the soft sheet of Storm's bed, I take in the musky and peppery scent trapped in it, which automatically makes me take a deep breath. Storm's essence is basically imprinted in this bed and the idea of it makes my stomach wrench again.

" You ok?" His husky voice makes me shiver under his watch and since I'm apparently incapable of looking away, I bite my bottom lip, nodding simply at his question. " Yes, of course" I should have probably had more to drink tonight I think as my body tense once more. This is definitely not how I remember sleeping with Storm, ane my nerve are on the verge of a crisis. There is too much going on in my head and body. Too many feelings that I've never witnessed before are surfacing. What the heck is wrong with me right now seriously?

" Ok, let's try to get some sleep then shall we?" The lights goes off just as his soft voice burushes against my skin.  Semi-darkness hugs the room and as if my inner wall as just been destroyed, my body tenses when our bodies shift closer beneath the bed sheets.

" Sure" I muble out rolling on my side in order to give him my back. My blood is boiling under my skin for unkown reson and if this isn't already enough confusing, when his fleshes strokes mine again, my legs press toghther as my core clenches. This can't be happening. 

Curling my legs into a fetal position and sliding my hand under the pillow, I stare at the wall in front of me looking for an explanation. I've slept in his bed more times than I can count since I was probably 5 , so why am I feeling suddenly so nervous? Why my hands are sweaty and my heart is skipping beats?

Shifting in my position since nothing since to be getting me comfortable, I involuntarely tense when I feel his body moving closer. Heat is already spreading along my spine but when he wraps his hand, slowly, around my waist, that's when my skin covers in goosebumps and there is no way he didn't notice that. Pulling me closer, as he always did when we used to be younger, he spoons me innocetnly yet, somehow, this is not at all like the old times. 

It is not because  the feeling of his skin against mine is making my stomach clench into a tight knot while a weird electricity run along our body keeping me on the edge. Something in my head tells me to move but my body doesn't gMoving in his embrace, I take in a deep breath and as I do, his peppery breath tickles my neck, lighting my body on fire.

" What's wrong, Kitten? Suddenly feeling nervous?" I can feel the smirk spreading on his perfect lips as he use  his arms around my waist,to force me to slowly turn, in order for me to meet his intense and sexy gaze. His eyes have never looked so dark and dangerous, yet I can't seem to look away from him now that I'm here. Storm Davis, what the hell is going on with you?

"mh? Nope. I'm cool"

"It doesn't seem that way"Moving his hand along my flat stomach, Storm takes a second to play with the little metal ball of my piercing before scooping in even closer. Simple gesture that yet has my body flinching against his. 

"Uh?" Is all I manage to say as his hand keep his spot on my body. His rough skin against mine is enough to send little electricity shock along my spine, causing my back to arch on his own. My body pushes against his even harder and when my ass straddles Storm's lower adbomn, he hisses, holding a deep breath before groaning against my ear. " This is not going to be easy..." 

I'm not sure if those words are intent for me to hear or not, but the moment I tilt my head to question him about it, I find myself freezing under his intense gaze.  My mouth goes dry and nothing comes out of my parted lips as his eyes bruns holes into my skin.

" Kitten..." he whispers,  slowly pulling me over with his arm as his eyes seems to memorize every inch of my profile. " Kitten..." His words burshes against my skin as he slowly roll me over and only once I'm forced on my back, he finally let's a smile break trough his perfect lips, giving me the chance to admire him whole. 

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