9. Storm

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Caging her between the wall and myself, I watch closely the way Mia's chest rises and falls, the motion is slow but gives away the fact she is either nervous or else. Still, she is reacting to our closeness and, that is something that I like. " Am I?" I ask leaning forward even more to the point that I can feel her breath, spiced up by the alcohol, mixing with mine, which still hides a hint of smoke. A low groan dies in my chest meeting her eyes, bright and innocent reminds me of the little kittens she is, or better was.

"You are" Is only a whisper coming from her lips but the way she looks at me, challenging me once more, only makes my thoughts win over my rationality and before I know it, my head is even lower and her lips are just a few inches away. Sweet, tempting.

"Mh. Yet somehow I believe you like that" Breathing the words along Mia's jaw it takes me a second to regain my control. Her intoxicating scent is messing with me and is stronger than I've imagined.  I'm surprised I didn't catch that before. Sweet, spicy, summery even. Yet is not a teenager scent, is something stronger, sexy. This tells me that are many things about Mia that I need to discover.  Luckily, she is stuck with me tonight.

" You wish"'This time her tone is sharp and neat just like the look she is giving me. There is a partial grin stamped on the corner of her lips that's enough to trigger my inner dormant beast.

" Let's go, before they decide to come this way" Pulling away I force myself to be a decent man, at least for now. I do want to kiss her, that much is now clear to me.  Not here, however, not now. Not anyway knowing that those two idiots can walk on us at any moment, besides, there is a big chance that she might slap me right in the face.

" Yes sir" She mocks me before stepping ahead of me and, walking straight into Andrea's room, she disappears for a brief moment before coming back out a holding what I assume is her PJ." Ready" She whispers while biting her bottom lip.  I wonder if she has the slightest idea of how much I like that little habit of hers. The way she grips her lips while chewing it from the inside makes my cock twitch and my blood boil, a clear flag that I need to calm down. Is it Mia that we are talking about for fuck sake.

" Are you coming or what?"Looking at me from beneath her long lashes, Mia doesn't look so easy anymore. Big eyes, an innocent smile and, most of all, not sure of what to do, she just stares at me, while I stand in my room.  I feel like I'm being studied by her inquisitive eyes, yet she doesn't look scared. Thank God. 

Taking in a deep breath, she walks in a second later still holding her Pj for dear life. Her eyes are far from me and so looks her mind. Only the moment I close the door behind us she gives me a silent look, but then she turns away again, looking at the room in front of her.

I can tell from the way she narrows her eyes that she must like the new decor. The last time she was in here - 3 years ago- the room was a total mess, just like I was.

The walls, completely white, are basically virgin. Before there was any sort of shit hanging on it, while now,  there is one shelf on the left wall with a few books and pictures on it,  a wardrobe and a mirror. In front of us, there is a desk with a chair and on the left a balcony. The bed is against the middle wall and on top of it, there is my favourite thing: A huge skylight that lets in the light. Easy, simple. Neat. And she likes it.

" I must say, I'm impressed." Meeting my eyes she licks her lips before curving those into the sweetest thing I've seen tonight, her smile. Her eyes are still wondering but when she tilts her head up, her smile grows bigger at the sight of the skylight.

"How so?"

" Well...your room was a mess last time I was here. Stuff everywhere, awful posters...and your bed was tiny! Now it is ..neat and mature and the bed looks big enough and comfy. It even smells nice in here!"

" Auch! I'm offended...my posters weren't awful," I say crossing my arms on my chest, pretending to be offended " And thanks...the bed is after all a King size, Missy"

" I bet the girls have fun in there" Giving me a sly look Mia swiftly moves across the room, looking for something. " Are the sheets at least clean?" I can't tell if she is being serious or not, but the way she spits her words at me forces a grin off my lips.

" ...They are. And yes, girls do have fun in here " Reaching the bed opposite where she stands, I sit down quickly to take off my shoes but her wandering around makes me curious. "What are you looking for?"

" Uh? Nothing. I was just wondering how tall that is. I can barely sit down. " Tilting my head at her I see the struggle she is in. She isn't that tall and the bed is indeed taller than a standard bed. " I really hope those girls are taller than me" Curling her nose she gives me a smile yet, something isn't quite right.

" Mh sometimes...but if you want I can show you how I get them on it..." Widening her eyes getting the mischievousness of my tone, Mia throws her shirt at me shaking her hand in the air. 

" You are I M P O S S I B L E Storm!" It's funny how frustrated she gets. It's even funnier how easy is to get under her skin at times.

" Oh come on. Is it so funny watching you getting all worked up...besides, is it not my fault if your best friend kicked you out of the room, is it?" Waving her T-shirt at her I smile, she just made a huge mistake. " You should definitely get a better friend"

" Thanks for the reminder." Stretching her hand out she tries to get hold of the shirt but standing up, I quickly pull it away from her. " No no missy. That is mine now"

" Seriously Storm? How old are you? Five?" Frowning at me she furrows her brow, curling her nose once more as she tries again to reach the T-shirt. Unfortunately for her, I'm quite taller which makes it all even funnier. "STORM!"

" Uh, you know? I quite like it when you scream my name...Kitten"

" Fine! Keep it, can you at least turn so that I can change and go to bed?"

" And what's the point of it?" Curving my brow at her I watch as her face contorts once more, but when her hands land flat on my shoulder, I pull up my hand in surrender, giving her one final smile. " Fine" Turning around it takes all my willpower to look ahead instead of turning. I can hear her clothes coming off and the urge to see what's hidden beneath her clothes is strong. But she is Andrea's best friend and I respect that annoying Kittens way too much to sneak on her. Throwing my shirt, along with my Pj's, I get ready for bed and just as I'm about to move, the bed bends behind me.

" How many tattoos do you have?" Moving on the bed like a ninja, I can feel Mia getting comfortable beside me yet I don't move.

" I don't know. I believe around 35?" My body tenses slightly for no reason and only when Mia gives me the green light to turn, do I tilt my head in her direction. "I stopped counting them a while ago." The moment I turn, I found her eyes already on me and from the look of them she must have been studying my tattoos. I can be sure if she likes it or not but the fact that her eyes are still on me is a good sign. Muttering an "I see" Mia keeps looking at me and for a second I swear, it looks like she wants to ask something else but she doesn't.

" You like them?" I question her getting reed of my shorts,  but when I'm left in my briefs only, Mia titls her head, suddenly looking away. This isn't the first time she sees me like that yet, I can tell from her flushed cheeks that she is embarrassed. Why is that?

Crawling into bed without asking her more question, I feel Mia's body tense the moment I'm under the sheet but when I turn in her direction, she is still looking down, away from me. " You ok?" I ask moving slightly closer which is enough for her scent to hit me. A scent, that has my cock twitch in a second.  I need to calm down or this would be a disaster. You are not a fuckboy anymore, Storm. Remember that.

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