Chapter 4

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I flinched when my name boomed across the whole mansion. My eyes quickly scanned the whole place to find whoever yelled my name filled with fury— only to find Pete glaring, no, angrily looking at me. He looked like a dragon with fumes coming out of his nostrils.

"It's 2am, Pete... Why are you still up??" I asked him.

He scoffed and took the throw pillow and hit me straight at my face. "What am I doing? What are you doing? It's 2am and you're just getting home?? You've been like this for two weeks and God knows where you've been! You never tell me anything anymore!"

"I was just with, uh... Time." I explained.

"And that's supposed to make me feel better?! You know how he is!!" He countered.

I softly walked closer to him but he yelled at me so I stopped. "Baby, Venice might wake up." I reasoned.

"What 'Venice' are you talking about, it's a Saturday!!"

I gave him a small awkward smile forgetting the date today, he might keep thinking bad if I tell him it was Time I stayed with, so I decided to tell him the truth.

"Okay, it wasn't Time. I was just with Tay, we were just preparing something..." I thought it would make things better because Tay was a friend of Pete as well, and he knew Tay would never do something that would make Time accuse him of anything despite all the shits he receives, but boy was I so wrong.

Pete took a deep breath and pulled out his gun and pointed at me, I gaped at him and raised both my hands up.

"You were with Tay? WITH TAY?! And that's better than being with Time, are you out of your mind?!" He pulled the trigger and a small ball filled with pressure hit my chest. A fucking pellet gun, where the hell did Pete get a toy gun???

I chuckled and put my hands down, "Are you jealous?"

He threw the toy at me, making me laugh. He noticed that I wasn't taking him seriously so he kept throwing pillows at me and cursing me in his head.

He finished with a scowl, "So what?! Don't I have the right to feel jealous over who you're going out with?! Why the fuck are you even going out with other people when I'm literally here waiting for you to make up for what you did last last week?!" He yelled.

When I finally crossed and killed the distance between us, I held his hands reassuringly. "We weren't hanging out or going out, I told you, we were preparing something." I said in a soothing voice so Pete would calm down. "And yes, you have every right to feel jealous and I'm not stopping you, but I don't want you to feel jealous over anything, Pete. I love you, and only you. I take almost weeks now because I have work every afternoon and I take Venice to his daycare every morning, which leaves only the night for me to finish... that." I explained.

He softly hit my chest, "Then why won't you let me help? I've been sleeping alone in our bed for weeks now and you have no idea how cold the nights are during these times..." He sulked.

I hugged him tight and kissed his forehead.

"Let's go to bed, c'mon."

I woke up seeing Pete still asleep, fuck, did I overdo it last night? I checked the time and it was past lunch. I made sure Pete was doing fine before I prepared him something to eat. After making sure it was spicy enough for him, I decided to just bring the tray in my room.

No matter how much I hated getting my bed dirty, aside from bed works, Pete loved eating on the bed, so I had no choice.

I placed the tray on the table beside and kissed him on the cheek to wake him up.

"Five more minutes, Vegas..." He mumbled.

I chuckled when his nose scrunched a couple times before his eyes snapped open, he sat quickly like a dog and stared at the food I made. He rubbed his eyes and yawned before smiling at me, and throwing me a bolster pillow.

"My whole body aches, you bastard." I laughed and urged him to eat with me.

After we ate, he took a shower and forbid me to join him. I obliged with a smile on my face and went back to my phone.

[ How to talk to children: In ages... ]

I scrolled down the post and all I see on Venice's age is making sure I use action when talking to him. Make sure I communicate with his baby language, and watch the words I use when talking to him. Does little demon count? Can't it be a nickname? Does he need a more friendlier name? I was still thinking about that when Pete came out of the bathroom and even when I was taking a bath.

When I finished, Pete was still on the bed just laying on his stomach and playing on his phone. He smiled when he saw me and told me to lay beside him.

He hugged my chest as he played, "You and Venice seem to be closer these days, he doesn't throw his food or cry at your touch anymore." He commented.

"Yeah, it's actually going great." All thanks to P'Talay and Tay.

"Oiiii, why won't he stop crying when you're the one carrying him?!" Tay exclaimed.

We took turns as P'Talay taught me how to carry a child in the right manner. When Tay couldn't take the noise anymore, he softly took Venice away from me and slowly, he stopped crying. I rolled my eyes at the sight.

"Maybe because you're acting like that towards him, maybe he doesn't feel safe with you." Tay commented.

P'Talay just shrugged and suggested I talk to Venice from time to time. I did, I negotiated with him everytime we were driving together.

"Great, he doesn't cry as much as he does anymore. He still doesn't look very comfortable with you, but hey! There's progress." Tay was genuinely happy for his ears after not hearing Venice's ear-splitting cries when I hold him.

"You should talk to him more carefully, he's barely a year old. Stop talking to him like he's your brother." Tay and I stared at him for a while. So he didn't know? I nodded and thanked him for his help.

He told me that our plan for the next friday is all ready and I don't have to keep staying out late anymore.

"What changed?" Pete asked.

I played with his hair and inhaled his scent, "Nothing, he's still a little demon in my eyes, but it's better, I guess. He's a pain, but a fun one." I chuckled.

I never made an effort like this for anyone, and I know Pete will love the idea, but I made this all for Venice. Why? Maybe I loved the way he smiled when I picked him up that day. I smiled at the memory.

Pete noticed that smile and gave me a peck.

"I'm happy the two people I love the most are being comfortable with each other. I love you two, so much I'm even willing to jump of a cliff filled with curry."

I frowned, "I'm not sure you'll even hesitate to do so even when Venice and I aren't involved."

He just laughed. I'm happy he was no longer sulking and feeling bad about the nights I was absent. Although I knew I had to make it up for all those nights, yet I treasured this day just as much.

I'm glad Pete is happy.

❀ lilBlackLilies ❀

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