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My head moved together in synchrony with my Dad. He kept walking from the door and back to the living room. I placed my dinosaur toy down and tilted my head as he sighed for the sixth time.

"Darling, do you think your Pa will be back?" He asked me.

I shrugged, "I think you took it too far, hehe." I grinned at him. "Pa will be back, Dad. Don't worry, he loves us too much to leave us hanging. Plus! Christmas is almost here!" I said with a jolly voice.

He huffed, "Why do you call Vegas 'Pa' when he's not around and 'Phi' when he is? Even your classmates are getting confused."

"Hehe, it's fun." I giggled.

He shook his head as if he was refusing something, "Darling, I love you." He said, I lost my grin. My eyes started cowering in fear. "But if your Pa seriously gets mad, you're on your own." He said.

My eyes shivered in fear, "But Dad! You said we're in this together!" I argued.

He sat down beside me and ruffled my hair, "You saw how he was so worked up earlier, right? Do you think my cuteness can still pull him back here?" He whined like a child. "I'm sorry we fought in front of you, baby." He pulled me to his embrace. I clung on to him like a new born kitten to it's mom.

I shook my head, "It's okay, I understand. I could see Pa holding back, like he didn't want to do it either." I smiled. He cares for me the most, sometimes I think even more than Dad.

My Dad softly flicked my ear, "Where did you even get the idea of us fighting to prank your Pa, hah?" He scolded.

I looked at him, "You're the one who came up with that reason why we were in a quarrel. How is that my fault?" I countered him.

Dad looked so offended, he was so funny. He even had his hand covering his chest like he was gripping on his heart.

"How could you... After all I did for you.." He dramatically cried.

I laughed when he tickled me and soon kissed my cheek.

"How do we make it up to your Pa tomorrow?" He asked me, the two of us were lying on the ground with my head on his arms. I rolled over and laid on top of my Dad, he immediately wrapped his arms around me so I wouldn't fall. "If only you're this adorable when you're with your Pa, he wouldn't even le— that's it!! You do it, use your charms!" He laughed like a maniac.

I reluctantly agreed, "If it doesn't work, it's on you, Dad." I bargained.

He agreed with a smirk on his face, "My plans never fail. If it works, you'll ask your Pa to have the Curry Restaurant for us this Christmas."

I groaned, "That's no fun! We eat curry everyday, Dad!" I complained.

He nodded and thought for a while, "Hah! We'll go home to grandma! Tell him that."

My eyes sparkled, I haven't been there again since I was a baby! I can't wait to go home again.

Christmas passed and we never saw Pa again.

I could hear Dad crying at night, probably blaming himself. He kept ringing Pa's phone, but he never answered. When he did, he never said anything. I felt so sad seeing both my parents acting like this because of what I planned before.

When uncle Kinn came to our home with a giant boulder of gifts, Dad cried even louder when he heard it came from Pa Vegas. I rummaged through the gifts and saw another big dinosaur plushy. I suddenly remembered when I kept asking for a dinosaur toy that was as big as I was.

Fatherhood | Vegas Theerapanyakul Where stories live. Discover now