(Dynamite Battle/ Quaddrive) Shu Kurenai x Corrupted Reader

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Requested: TrinityHandy4

Thanks for the request and this one is not AU, still same series as this anime.

(💔 + ☁️)


(No POV)

At the tournament

"(Full Bey Name) with the burst finished!! The winner is (Y/N) (L/N)!!" Every audiences were shocked that she won very easily.

The random blader stared at it in horror that he/she losed against (Y/N). The (e/c) eyed female stared at him/her blankly and feel nothing.

"Now, you losed. Don't you dare to get in my way." With that, she left the random blader alone.

(Y/N) (L/N) is the most stronger blader than her rivals and she corrupted. It's because she never get win against the legendary and they said to her weak, pathetic and not worthy to become a blader.

But now, she's different and it's all because of the owner who corrupts (Y/N). That person was Ashtem a.k.a Theodore Glass. She met him a year ago...
Flashbacked 1 year ago

A (h/c) female blader were sitting on the grass and sobbed because she had losed against the strongest blader/ legendary blader.

She thought that she could defeat them, but not. (Y/N) trained very hard every month and going to defeat them.

But, she lost hope and just ran away from them, to forget about the past.

Just then, a certain male saw her as he walked to her, tapped her shoulder. (Y/N) flinched, glanced at the person who tapped hers.

It was none other than Theodore Glass, the owner of Raging Bull, but now he quitted.

"Hey, dear. Why're you crying in here all alone?" He sat beside her. (Y/N) wiped the tears quickly.

"W-Well, I-I losed against the stronger blader. I tried so hard to defeat them, but I losed and I'm a weak." She tried so hard not to cry again. He sighed as he patted her head.

"Oh, poor you." Then, his idea popped out of his head. He smirked.

"Hey, wanna join with me. I can help you to get stronger than them." (Y/N) looks at him.

"R-Really?!" He nodded at her. But inside, he was planning something and want to control her.

"Yeah, now follow me miss..."

"It's (Y/N)."

"Ok, miss (Y/N) and I'm Theodore Glass. Just call me Ashtem." She nodded as (Y/N) followed after him.

'Hehe, my planned will work. I finally found a blader who weak.' He thought in evil think as they went to Mexico.
At Mexico, in the Snake Pit...

A (h/c) haired female look around the place. It had a training room, dorms and more.

Ashtem brought (Y/N) to the experiment room, that where Ashtem do something for Shu 4 years ago.

As they went in, Ashtem told to her to get inside of it. She followed his order. He smirked as he closed the door, they started their experiment.

Long after, (Y/N) screamed in pain after they injected her the dark things to control her.

A few hours later, the experiment was now completed as (Y/N) came out from the experiment place.

💖 Shu Kurenai x Reader One-Shot 💖 (Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now