Chapter 6

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<Dylan's POV>

We walk into the house. I see a note from my parents, "Dylan we will be gone for the rest of the week we left some money for food and keep Steph safe please -mom and dad"

Steph is still upstairs in my room. So I walk up there to check on her. "Hey Steph whatcha doin?" I ask

"I'm changing why?" She responds.

"My parents are gone for the rest of the week so we will be here alone and I'm gonna go get something to eat what do you want"


"Haha ok will you be ok here by yourself or do you want to come with?"

"I'll stay here because I'm too tired to go back out I'll just watch Netflix"

"Ok just keep all the doors locked and if you need anything call me ok?"

"Yes ok now go get food!"

"Ok ok" I walk back downstairs and grab my jacket heading out the door.

<Stephanie's POV>

I heard Dylan leave and so I resumed watching my Gossip Girl because you know that show is life.

I can't believe these girls they are so fake and two faced sometimes I mean.

I hear a loud bang come from downstairs and I'm really scared because it hasn't been that long so it can't be Dylan. I mean it could be. I hope.

I walk to the doorway, "Dylan is that you?!" There was no answer except the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs.

Next thing I knew there was a man in front of me and after that it's all black.

<Dylan's POV>

I drive up the drive way and the first thing I notice is the front door wide open.

I suddenly get very nervous and I run up to the house leaving the food in the truck. "Steph!" There was no answer "Stephanie!!!"

There was still no answer so I run upstairs to my room and my laptop is open on the bed with her show still playing. She would never leave with out pausing her show. OH GOD.

I start pacing the room thinking about what would have happened when my phone starts ringing. I look at the caller id and it's Stephanie so I answer it, "Stephanie where the are you?"

"Woah chill out she's safe for now" says a man's voice


"Ah so nice to talk once again"

"I swear to god if you touch or harm her I will kill you!!"

"Oh I won't harm her no promises for the touching part but I'll try"

"What do you want from me?" I ask


"What do you mean payback? For what?"

"Well Dylan you see about a year ago you stole my girl from me and broke her heart so now I'm stealing yours"

"I'm going to find you if it's the last thing I do"

"Good luck with that"

Then the line goes dead.


Another update for y'all because I love y'all so much😘😘

Do you think Dylan will be the hero and find her?

Will sparks fly between Steph and Chris?

What will happen to Dylan and Stephanie?

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