Chapter 16

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<Stephanie's POV>

It's been a few days since Dylan saved me from Chris's basement. I've been really jumpy since then. I'd jump every time a door will lock or shut behind me. I mean I can't even pee with the door closed anymore.

I haven't been getting much sleep lately so this morning Dylan woke up before I did.

"Steph baby wake up" he says nudging me.

"Leave me alone!" I say grumpily half asleep.

"Baby it's almost 12 in the afternoon" he says.

"One more hour" I say turning away from him.

He doesn't respond but I feel him getting out of bed. Oh lord what is he about to do? I'm scared right now but I'm too tired to do anything so oh well. Next thing I know he opened the curtains letting the light shine on my face blinking me.

"Ahh Dylan!" I yell pulling the blankets over my head.

"Well that didn't work guess it's time for plan B" I hear him chuckle.

Oh god pray for me. That's when I feel him crawl onto the bed and he starts tickling my sides.

"D-dy-Dylan st-stop p-pl-plea-please" I stutter through me laughing.

He starts laughing also still tickling my sides and I try to push his hands away but he is too strong.

"Dylan!" I scream laughing.

"Yes sweetie?" He asks innocently still tickling me.

"Ok ok I'll get up" I say and he finally stops. I stay laying there.

"5....4......3...2" he starts. I sit up quickly.

"Ok ok I'm up chill" I say annoyed

"Come on baby let's go do something" he says smiling.

"Like what?" I ask him

"Let's go to the movies and watch insidious 3" he says with a big smile.

"You know I hate scary movies" I whine like a kid.

"Yea well you are still going" he says getting up. He walks out and shuts the door behind him and for some reason it sounded like he locked it. My thoughts started to back to when Chris told me he loved me.

What if I have feelings for him? I kept asking myself over and over again. But I have Dylan......but then there's Chris.

I need to get out of the house I've been in the house the past 4 days I need to get out....


Hey guys so ok I will be posting one or two more chapters and I will be done with this book! Before you get mad just let me say there will be a second one maybe third book. I will not post my second book until I get at least 20 comments on this chapter or the next one. Love yall!!!!😘😘😘😘

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