Chapter 18

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<Stephanie's POV>

I'm still on the road. Miranda's house is like 5 hours away from me currently. I've had a lot to think.

I know that I'm already about to be married and I have no choice, but that isn't keeping me from having feelings for....Chris.

Woah wait. Me and Dylan didn't use protection last night. That means....oh god.

I can't be possibly pregnant with Dylan's baby and have feelings for Chris. Now don't get me wrong I love Dylan but then there's Chris.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I ran into a ditch. Everything went black...

<Dylan's POV>

I woke up smiling, we just had our first time together. I open my eyes and she's gone. I shoot up out of bed.

"Stephanie" I call thinking maybe she's just in the bathroom. There's no answer.

"STEPH!" I shout louder. Still nothing.

"Oh god not again I can't stand loosing her again." I say to myself by now tears are flooding my eyes.

"No no no" I say falling on to my knees crying in my hands. Yes I know sounds pathetic right? (Jk jk)

I call Connor: C for Connor D for Dylan
C: hey man what's up?
D: Connor we have a bit of a problem.
C: Dylan what's going on.?
D: I can't find Steph.
C: what do you mean you can't find her?!
D: I woke up this morning and she's no where in the house.
C: I'm coming over.
*end of call*

I don't understand how she could just get away like that.

Next thing I know Connor is barging in the house clearly upset, confused, and scared.

"We are going to find her" he says

"Ok let's go" I say walking to the table next to the front door to get my keys.

"Wait where are my keys?" I ask myself confused. I walk out front and my truck is gone.

"Looks like we will take my car" Connor says and I jump in the passenger seat.

I thought of taking the same rode that we came on when I was taking her home from Chris's.

We've been driving for a couple hours when I see my truck in the ditch.

Oh god. Please don't tell me she's dead..

We both walk up to my car and nobody is in it. All her things are in it except her. Oh god.

Connor calls 911. After the police arrive they order us to leave and said they would call if they found anything.

Will I ever see her again?


Hey guys so this is the end of the book. Wait before you freak you freak out there will be a sequel. I will post more info about that when I get 20 comments on one of my last 3 chapters. Love y'all byeee!😘😘😘😘

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