Chapter 5

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<Stephanie's POV>

Finally the school day was over but I didn't want to ride in Dylan's truck after what I did to him at lunch. I guess I could always walk.

I reach the parking lot and I see Dylan already standing there with Connor I guess waiting for me and Jc. Great. I start to walk the other way wen he sees me.

"Steph hold up!" He shouts running towards me.

I turn around with tears in my eyes.

"Steph what's wrong with you? First your avoiding me and now your crying"

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have run off like that at lunch" I say trying to wipe away the tears.

"Why did you run off Steph?"

"I don't feel comfortable talking about it. I think I'll just walk home to clear my head"


"Yes I am"

"No your not your riding with me"

"You can't make me"

<Dylan's POV>

"You can't make me" Steph says

Geez she is so stubborn. "Oh really?"

"Yea really" she smirks

I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder. "Are you really sure I can't make you?"

<Stephanie's POV>

UGH!!! Why can't he just let me walk home? All hell is going to break loose on him for doing this to me.

I start kicking and thrashing trying to make him drop me. "Put me down this instant Dylan!" I shout

"You better stop kicking for two reasons: one it's not going to work, and two if you don't stop I'll let Connor drive and me and you will take the back and I'll hold you in my lap." He says

"But I-" I get cut off

"No buts princess" he smirks and I slap his back and continue to kick. He shakes his head amused.

We get to the truck and Connor takes the drivers seat and Jc has shotgun. Dylan puts me down in the truck and I scoot all the way to the other side of the backseat.

Dylan finally gets in and he pulls me over to him and lifts me into his lap like it's nothing. Lord help me now!

"So who's house are we staying at tonight princess?" He asks.

I ignore him because I can tell that when I don't talk it frustrates him a lot. Haha that's what you get. I cross my arms smirking.

"Oh ok I see I'm getting the silent treatment now right?" He asks

I ignore him again. Finally we get to his house and I open the door jumping out of the truck.

When I get inside I go straight up to his room closing the door and laying on the bed.

He comes in and sees that I'm upset. "whats wrong princess I want to help"

"I'm sorry I ran off today I've never had a good relationship before" I say

"So that's why your scared to fall in love?"


"Well guess what"


"Your my princess and I will wait a thousand years for you no matter because I love you"

I start tearing up "thank you!" I sit up and give him a big hug.


Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while. Hope you like it💁💁💁😏

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