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Clay Pov

The alcohol gives me nausea, every time I took a small sniff out of it, but how can they even ignore the strong scent.

All of us was now ready to head to bed, Karl Sapnap and Quackity were at the bed together while me and George layed on the floor, our body's facing the opposite direction, i always wanted to turn around and hug him...giving him a kiss on the forehead, comfort him, but i couldn't i was too embarrassed to do that.

"Clay" someone whispers to my ear, I turned around to see George hugging the pillow tightly, "yeah?" I whispered back.

The brunette didn't said any words, as he quickly shuffled closer towards me, "your warm" he muttered and i blushed.

I wrapped my arms around his fragile body, giving him a comforting hug which made the brunette melt away as he drifted off to sleep.

This was the first time I get to feel him like this, the first time I was able to have him in my arms.... he was mine, and mine only. It's like we were the only one living in this world.


George Pov

I fluttered my eyes open, realising this was the first time I had my perfect sleep, just as I was about to get up from bed strong arms that was wrapped around my body pulled me back down.

My back pressed against his chest, oh my mushrooms.... don't tell me Clay is hugging me right now?!

"Mine" he muttered in his sleep, was he dreaming? I patted his shoulders to wake him up.

"Clay?" I called quietly "Clay, wake up" I tapped his cheeks.

As his eyes began fluttering open, it then flew wide open, i then realised of how closed our faces was, we immediately pulled away.

"Good morning" he mumbled half yawning , "morning too" I immediately ran towards the bathroom leaving my friend who was still looking stunned from earlier.

"fuck" i mumbled to myself, heat came rushing towards my cheeks.


Clay Pov

Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit.

I groan in frustration, as I laid back blushing like a high school girl who just got a kiss from her crush.      

That would've had happened if it wasn't from our strange atmosphere, "Damn it" i muttered, I sat up from my mattress before the bathroom door immediately opened.

The brunette ran outside the room before i could immediately talk to him, "fuck im screwed" I mumbled.


"Morning Dream!" Sapnap greeted, "Morning" I muttered stratching myself "how was your sleep last night?" Quackity smirked at me.

My cheeks started burning up again, they must've seen us cuddling last night, "Quackity" George warned the raven.

"Geez, calm down Georgie, we're just askin you precious boyfriend" Quackity replied, the word boyfriend made my heart flutter. Oh how i always wanted George to be my boyfriend the tought of him and me being together would make my whole world complete.

"Shut up" George muttered, he glanced at me for a brief second before looking away, but ofcourse i need to talk to him so i can maintain our trust with each other again.

"Anyways, i already fed Luca so you don't have to worry about it" Sapnap smiled at George, "Thanks Sap" he smiled back.

As I was about to say a word, my phone started to make a buzzing sound, I pulled it out at my pocket to see who was calling.

"Hey guys, i need to make this call for a sec" I said, they all nodded.


George Pov

As soon as Clay left the house for a quick phone call, the three idiots turned their heads towards me giving me a look of 'we saw what happened last night, and you're gonna tell us every detail' face.

I sighed, "Why are you guys always kept bugging my life" I glared at them.

"Georgieee~~ we just wanted to know why were cuddling with Mr. Dreamyy~~" Sapnap smirked.

"Dreamy, why Dreamy??" I raised my eyebrow at the ravenette, "Because he looks like he just came down from heaven" he smiled.

Sapnap was right, Clay was like an angel made from heaven, the way the sun lights up his tanned skin, or how his beautiful emerald eyes light up everytime he sees me which I'm always confused at.

"We'll to be fair, Panda's right" Karl agreed "Now, what's up with you and Dreamy?" I scoff. "Nothing is wrong between us" "Then why were you two cuddling each other, not to mention Clay wrapping his big strong arms around you" Quackity jumped in.

My face went red, how can i denied that i was cold and he was warm ofcourse I—

"Hey guys...." Clay called all of us turned to look at him, "Wassup bud?" Sapnap said.

"I gotta go, my parents were going on a business trip tomorrow, and no one was there to keep an eye on my sister so...." ye nervously scrathed the back of his neck.

"It's alright dude, George was about to leave too soooo~~~" Sapnap looked directly at me giving an innocent smile, This little piece of shit....

"Okay....I'm just gonna grab my stuff for a sec, and wait for you outside" he immediately sprinted towards Karl's bedroom.




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