
254 11 14

My art lol

Lmao, this is actually slight Smut, 💀

Dream Pov:

That was too close
Too close for his face to come closer to me.
Too close for him to take off my mask.
I sighed as I stared blankly at the burning corpse of the two dead person, that I just murdered.

"You seriously need to stop killing people Clay" a voice said, "I know...." I replied slumping down on the grass watching the flames get higher.

"You know if the police find out you were killing people, you might end up with dad in prison" she sat beside me "the obsession with this George guy need to stop, I know you like him since childhood but what if he found someone who is not even you? you need to let him go if that happens Clay" she was right, but sometimes I was to greed to give him to somebody else, I'm to scared to see George falling inlove with a wrong person who would use him for money, for his body, and not for who he really was.

"Clay....." I looked at my sister, "promise me you'll stop" she pleaded, "I don't know if I will" I sighed looking up at the stars seeing the hint of small sparks of flames.

"Okay....but I will still cover for you" she smiled, I smiled sadly "thank you" I said "now c'mon brother, I ordered some Mcdonalds" she giggled sitting up, heading straight back inside.

"Someday..... someday he will be mine" I muttered in my breath. I stood up and headed back inside the house closing the door behind me.

I headed towards the kitchen where my little sister is already waiting for me, when she saw me she smiled as she put down a Mcdonalds happy meal.


George Pov:

"F-fuck" whimpering as I kept pumping faster almost at my climax.

Dying?? definitely :)

"Augh~!" whimpering, my body was now trembling wanting badly to finish it.

After 3 minutes had passed and I finally had reach my climax, breathing and panting heavily but instantly regretted what I just did....

Did I just touched myself because of that serial killer!? what the fuck!! my eyes shot wide open as I hurriedly went to the bathroom to wash myself up.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck!!! what the fuck were you thinking of yourself, I can't fall inlove with my stalker or someone I don't even know of.

"shit...." I clutched my heads as I groan in pain, my head hurts so badly tonight.

I have school tomorrow, need to go to sleep, as I was about to walk to my room my phone went off.

I picked it up and check the I.d of who was calling, Wilbur it popped I answered it "hello?" I greeted first.

"Hello, George?" A voice called over by the phone, "I'm here Wilbur what do you want?" I asked

"Oh good! so anyways I was wondering if I could uhmm....like asked you to go to school with me?" My eyes widen, he is now going to school?

"W-wait, you're going back to school!?" I practically yelled at him, "quiet down! you're hurting my ears mate" he chuckled "and yeah, I decided to go back to school again"

"that's cool!!" I beamed in excitement, I won't be alone anymore! except for Karl and the others though.

"So when are you gonna start school?" I asked, my excitement was still there, "erm........tomorrow maybe, anyways I gotta go i need to check up on those 3 idiots who are still not asleep, bye George!" with that we both hang up.

I placed my phone in my chest, holy shit! Holy shit! he's coming to school soon!

Wilbur dropped out of high school before he moved here in America just to help his father in his business, taking care of the store....

I plugged my phone and went to sleep, dreaming that one day......he will be able to be classmate with Wilbur his best friend in London.


"Wilbur" I grinned as I tackled him in a bear hug, "Georgie!!" he hugged back.

He then looked behind me, I turned around when he noticed the blond who was parking the bike, cautiously.

"You went to school with him?" He asked "yeah, why did you ask?" he examined the blond "I don't know, I just happened to notice him having an eye bags this days"

Wilbur was right, I examine Clay carefully his dirty blond hair was a bit messy his eyes were all gloomy and bored the sparks were now gone, I frowned did he stayed up all night?

"Hey Wilbur, I'll catch up with you in a meantime, I need to talk to Clay for a bit" I told him, as the brunette seems to understood and nodded, "I'll be heading towards the principal office"

I walked towards the tired looking blond as he rubbed his eyes and yawn, "Clay" he flinched but calmed anyway when he saw "hi"

"You alright?" I asked, "I'm fine" he yawned again, I can tell if he's being stupid or not when I can literally read him.

Sighing, I said "alright come with me" I grabbed his hand as we both went towards the bathroom together.

I put down my bag, taking out my hair brush and a Cologne, I looked over at the confused Clay standing infront of the stool, he has no idea what I was doing.

I motion him to bend down, as he did as I told him, then I started brushing off his hair Making it look nice appliying a bit of water to make the hair look wet.

I then fixed his proper way clothing, I sprayed some cologne unto him, I took a bit of sniff he smells nice just like me, I smiled to myself.

"Uhmm, Georgie?" I was caught off from my fantasy "Are you done now? C-cause you're a bit too close to me" my eyes went wide open as I pulled myself away from him, blushing hard wtf is wrong with me!?


Anyways....bye :]

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