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George Pov

I sat down at my laptop, staring at the blank screen infront of me, contemplating what I'm going to do, I sighed as i turned it on, the screen who was blank now lights up in blue.

An image popped infront, a picture of me and Clay at the rooftop having our first lunch together, I blushed as i remember Sapnap taking this kind of picture.

"Stupid idiot" i chuckled slightly, although i gotta say Clay was looking kinda cute in the picture, the way he smiles cutely, his freckles in his cheeks, his wavy dirty blond hair and his beautiful green emerald eyes makes me feel like I was inside a deep bright forest with full of life.

My eyes fell heavy as i was soon getting tired, that i just slept in my desk too tired to go to my bed and slept there, though i was already comfortable sitting here and sleep.

My eyes soon closed as i slightly drifted off to sleep, almost drifted off to sleep as i heard noise coming from the outside of my window.

I looked over to my window and there it was, the same man that came to my house weeks ago, the same man that stalks me from almost a year when came here.

I quickly walked towards my window as i notice him seems to be distracted before opening it.

"You!" cutting him off from his thought, he flinched and almost feel off the tree.

"What the fuck are you doing here at my house?!" I whisper at my stalker aggressively, he just tilted his head before shrugging.

I looked at him confused, he doesn't talk? is he shy to talk to me.

I sighed opening the window slightly to let him in, "get inside or else the neighbour might see you" he thought for my a second before climbing his way inside.

I still felt uncomfortable of how tall he was, almost looks like giant, maybe his also taller down ther— no! no! get it together you are thinking horny thoughts from a stranger.

"Uhh....why are you here?" I asked the masked man, he turned to look at me before walking closer, I flinch before taking a small step back.

He crouched down on my height before our faces were alreasy inches closer, I can smell him and it felt very familiar, the way he breaths heavily from the mask, he quickly step away before climbing in the window again and jumped off, I watched where he went, but he dissappeared.

Dang it, i need to investigate him, who he was behind the mask, but that smell.....he smells very familiar.

I sighed as i now laid on my bed, before drifting off to sleep soon after.


'Eighteen years old, Michael Cooper was found dead near an abondoned hospital, it was said that one of his brother who was supposed to pick him up, and said that Michael never showed up at the place he were supposed to pick him up'

"I was sure I was supposed to be reporting him to the school principal for harassment, guess he just died because he was scared to get expelled" Wilbur said bitterly, I nudged him in the gut as he chuckled.

"Yeah, but....the stalker came to my house last night" I blurted out as he suddenly stopped from walking, "what?" he asked in disbelief, "he showed up at my house late at night, after the news of that guy who was said to have suicided himself by jumping off an abondoned building"

"Should we report that to the police?" he asked, I stared at him "No" "N-no!? but George that fucking stalker needs to stop doing shit for you that are very illegal"

"I can't Wilbur, it's just that....I kinda thought that I might need a private assassin"

"Your kidding right?" Wilbur looked at me again with disbelief, "Fuck okay, let's not talk about anymore, if you want a private assassin or whatever, that's fine as long as he doesn't hurt you, got it?"

"Hurt who?" A voice interrupted us, "Dream!" I grinned as i saw him walking behind us, I ran towards him as i tackled him from a hug, Until a smell interrupted me again, what the hell.

"George C'mon! you need to stop cuddling with your boyfriend!" Wilbur called over, I blushed as i turned to look at Wilbur and gave him a glare, he smirked and waved off.

"Are you alright? Georgie?" he said as held my shoulders, I looked up at him and there it was again, those glowing piercing eyes stares right through my soul.

"Y-yeah, I'm alright"

Vanilla scent, they have the same vanilla scent, could it be? no no no Dream would never hurt a person, he is too soft to hurt anyone, not even a fly.

maybe i was just hallucinating....


Short.... just a short chapter for the short person who reads....

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