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I am waiting for the time, for the guy to get over at me soon, but I don't think he will be ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ


George Pov

I sat right next to the blonde, for safety as I cling unto his shirt for quite some time now.

The two of us decided to go on a therapy, after the you know incident from me, I was still having a slight panic attack, but nevertheless I was already feeling better.

"George Davidson?" I looked up to see a elderly woman, "You may come in now" she said as she stepped beside the door, Dream stood up and so did I, as the two of us went inside, before the woman closed the door behind her.

"Please take a seat" she requested with a kind and genuine smile, the two of us sat down separately, with Dream on the right and me on the left.

Both of us are staring calmly at the elderly

"Well, I would like to introduce myself, before we go to our topic, My name is Carole, but my friends sometimes call me Ole" I looked at her weirdly, and Carole noticed this and smiled.

"Weird isn't it, I don't know why they call me that? But it's whatever, so you must George, is it?" She asked and I abruptly nodded, then she pointed to my lover, "and you must be?"

"Dream, I am his boyfriend" he smiles, the woman lets out a grin "Oh how lovely to meet such a beautiful couple" she said.

I blushed "t-thank you" I muttered

"Anyways, let's begin shall we?" She said clapping her hand as she took out a notebook and a pen.


A/n: skipping this part, because I do not know how therapy works, to be honest (⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠;⁠)

"So what do you think?" My gaze went to my friend as he took another bite from a donut, "about what?" I asked.

"You know, Wilbur...... he said he's visiting his father and his brother to Canada, he keeps inviting me to come with him, but I said I'll think about it"

I stopped, I forgot about that, "well you guys are already together why not join him?" I asked.

"I don't know about going to a different country, beside I like it here, but it's okay if he goes to Canada and leave me here, we can go on a video chat anyway" Alex said, before taking another bite out of a donut again.

I rolled my eyes, "You do know he will be staying there for the whole entire vacation right?" I asked again.

"Right, I forgot about that" Alex said, before sighing, "alright I finally made my decision"

"You do?"

"Yeah! I just need someone else's opinions that's all" Alex said with a grin in his face.

I rolled my eyes again, "So? Are you going to follow him?" I asked.



"What? Why?"

"Heh! He has been avoiding me for the past few weeks, and then boom, he suddenly just started talking to me again, but he just talked about wanting to go to Canada to meet his so called brother the blade" Alex said mocking the name at the end.

I scoff, "that's kinda rude don't you think" I said.

"Ha! The fucker deserves it"

I was about to say something to Alex before my phone began to rang

"Hold on a second Alex, I just need to answer this" I said excusing myself Alex nodded in understanding, "go ahead take your time!"

I quickly went into the bathroom, before answering the phone, "Dream?"

"Hey Georgie! How are you today?" My lover asked on the other side of the phone

"I'm doing good actually, I'm here at the cafe, hanging out with Alex" I replied.

"That's good to hear, just let me know, when will you be coming over, so I'll be able to pick you up" Dream said.

"Alright, see you soon" I bid my farewell

"See you soon Georgie, I love you" he said.

I let out a chuckle. "I love you too, Dreamy"

We both soon hang up, as I went back to where I last left Alex at

"Took you long enough" Alex said in a joking tone.

"It was just a quick call, Alex"

Alex shrugged, before we both continue our conversation.

Hello little birdies, Mix here! Just wanted to check up on you guys for the first time, also about the new story,  -SURVIVAL- will be coming soon, after I'm done with this one ofcourse, (⁠☞⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠☞ Anyways hope you enjoyed this today chapter, because the next I'll be giving you something smexy 〜⁠(⁠꒪⁠꒳⁠꒪⁠)⁠〜 stay tune for Quackbur Smuts lol

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