ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1- ᴀɴxɪᴏᴜꜱ ᴛʀᴀᴠᴇʟʟɪɴɢ

372 12 35

‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵




The crisp clear rain dripped off the window like beads of glass, connecting to become something bigger. But being the bigger droplet means you fall first. Watching as the water raced itself down until a new one took over its place.

In a way, he felt like that. Not that he physically felt like a droplet of rain. But he felt lonely. Like if he became something more of himself he'd chase people away, leading him to fall first. Having nothing left rather than shame. Seeing as new people come to take over whatever relationships he'd make

He never found himself staying in one area.

Always falling off the windowsills. Or in his thought. Falling into a stage of panic. Do these people even like me? Did I mess up? Do they hate me?

It's simple things he would note that'd put his mind completely on edge. Not saying good morning. Not asking a certain question. Not looking at him when he spoke. Tired replies.

Things he'd think about nonstop until it eats him alive. With the final question, he'd ask himself

Why do I bother?

Why do I bother?

"Will did you pack yet?" Joyce called out. His voice seemed a little rushed as if she was stressed. The male on the other hand sat quietly by his window, his pale slender finger tracing the streams of liquid running down the clear surface. It was cold. But bright outside. The sky was covered with light grey clouds blocking the beautiful sun.

Will Byers never liked the sun anyway, he preferred it cold, dark.

He was used to feeling that. At night it seemed to be the only time of day he got to himself. No noise. No shouting, talking. Just himself and the painful quietness that turned to soft popping in his ear if you focused too hard. Maybe even a static noise, something Will tried to block out with the thought of music. The putter patter of his finger tapping against his leg in rhythms to give himself composure as he'd lay staring up at the white ceiling

"Uh- yeah, yeah!" He paused looking down at his navy blue suitcase which held almost all of his clothing "I did!" He replied sheepishly, getting his finger off the fogged glass as his hands wrapped around the handle of the case. The leather strap dug into his skin. As he cautiously made his way to the bedroom door.

Leaving the room felt.. different. It's like there were too many painful memories from that room. That embarrassing feeling that if anyone went into that area that he'd thought of as a safe space, they'd ruin it for him. Or they just know how many crying nights will spend at his desk. Drawing whatever he had on his mind.

His drawing always looked dark. Like scribbles on a page that made the  silhouette of a boy

A zombie boy.

"Alright, Hunny! You'll- you'll be fine right? You have my number if you need anything. I'm dropping you down at the bus stop..alright? And- and you'll make your way to the airport then? Right?" His mother spoke as her hands made their way to the boy's stiff shoulders as he stared up at her. He wouldn't admit it. But he was scared.

He wanted to be manly. Just like his father. Just like Jonathan. Jonathan would have done something easily without thinking about it. He always seemed so much stronger than Will.

The reason Will was leaving for Indiana was more based on his mental health than anything. Joyce was fully aware of the conditions he was enduring from his appearance. And after months of complaints and doctor's appointments, they offered a family that would like to take will in for a few weeks. Just so he could see the new scenery, the school even! Joyce was hesitant at first but thought it was a good thing for will. To be introduced to a new area, and enrol into a nearby school as a transfer student.

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