ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 20- ᴄᴀᴜɢʜᴛ

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‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵

Will felt like the time was catching up to him, even if time in itself was a complete fiction subject, counting each time he saw the moon became apparent. It was no surprise that will had now been clearly head over heels for Mike. And he decided to not take Troy to the police. He knew it would most likely not get anywhere due to the substances of the attack. Knowing troy would always end up in the right. Especially with all his friends to have his back. Still. He saw him a few more times after that. And let's just say it was...awkward.

Not that troy said much, but he definitely seemed to lay off it, only nodding or sheepishly smiling at him when they met, but nothing more. Because even though troy hated him, the fact he didn't do anything to get the law involved, made him think of will with at least a little respect, if that's the word you even want to use that is.

Though for will this was just another thing to add to his PTSD. Never go into a forest with a group of people. The time of day didn't really matter in this situation.

Other than that his mom started to call to check in, will occasionally talking with Jonathan and bragging about how half okay it was over here, more how perfect Mike was. His voice always seemed to get higher, or how his face would turn rose red when his brother would ask what he meant by saying Mike was sweet.

But as much as will loved Hawkins due to Mike, he still felt homesick about it, about leaving the comfort space of his own bedroom and staring at the rain trickle down the window in small beads of memories. And this was one of the more bigger problems that came with travelling. He missed his mom, missed Jonathan. Even hopper occasionally when he'd sit down with him, and very painfully, unskilfully try to help will out when he'd had a minor panic attack about losing his medication or not having enough for the month after losing some, but luckily for will, while he was in Hawkins, Mike seemed to always check up on him, and make sure he was more than okay.

From what he had known he had been living with the wheelers for two months. It felt shorter than it actually seemed, and due to school starting up in a few weeks he decided it was best to go have now and put in work for his last year of high school, then apply for an art college the years after. He had it set on what he wanted to do. But right now. He wanted to focus on himself. Or what he felt as he stared down at the empty room and two bags, packed. There was a sense of relief..but also pure sadness. Sure he wanted to stay. But he'd do anything just to put Mike in his pocket and go.

The silence was broken with two knocks on the solid wood door, Mike wheeler staring back at his brown-haired guest, and it kinda only clicked then.

What were we?

Not that Mike had talked about relationships with will, but he felt too nervous, too inexperienced, and hoped will would be the one to ask him, while Byers on the other hand was hoping for the exact same thing. "Hey there...you all packed?" Mike questioned, raising a bit of an eyebrow as he stood against the door frame, crossing his hands.

"Yeah...yeah, I am.." his voice felt breathless like he was stunned in a way like he wasn't fully ready to just up and leave. Because the truth is painful. And accepting it doesn't hurt as less. "I'm just...I don't know how I feel. I guess..confused? But I know what's going on..it just...has that kinda heart-throbbing feeling..you know.." will wasn't always the best at describing his feelings, something that definitely came from his mom.

"Oh.." Mike whispered out as he made his way closer to the hazel eyes boy, looking over at him with a small smile as his hand was not touching his shoulder "well...listen. It will be okay. This won't be the last time we meet, I'll promise you that. I can't have you going around California looking that handsome.." even though mikes attempts at flirting were a little embarrassing, will always felt to smiley after them

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