ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 4- ᴀᴘᴏʟᴏɢɪᴇꜱ

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‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵

Mike's friends were....loud, and Will didn't have a single clue if he even was a part of any of their conversations. None of them looked his way and he sat on a couch a bit away from the table as he packed up the dungeons and dragons game that they'd played for two hours while the younger boy just felt anxious around them.

Dustin was smart. Has a bit of a lisp in his voice but it was weirdly comforting to listen to. He was shouting a lot though. Lucas on the other hand was the kind of guy to laugh if you fell and take a picture. He was blunt but In the way, it sounded like sarcasm, so you couldn't take it seriously, or just felt insecure the whole time, wondering truly if your shirt looked stupid.

And Mike barely looked Will's way. Barely acknowledged he was there. The person that spoke the most to will was Dustin. And surprisingly he was really nice. Not in a way that seemed forced or sarcastic. But he was just genuinely nice.

Always making sure to include him, even if it was just a mention of his name. And for the two hours he sat on hard chairs he realised something. He liked socialising. Maybe he felt more needed. Even for the small things. But as a kid in California with no friends and getting talked down to on the regular, it felt nice talking to people who weren't wanting bad intentions.

"Can I ask you guys something...I've just been wondering.." Mike spoke up as Lucas and Dustin turned his way. Will on the other hand tried to tune it out a bit, focusing on the comic Dustin had offered him as he could tell he didn't really wanna be around them.

"Yeah, what's up?" Lucas spoke up a little curious about what the curly-haired boy had to say. Dustin was also a bit interested, lifting an eyebrow a bit

"What is...Esc...uh. Esc-it-a-lopram um Escitalopram? I was just thinking about it...someone told me it was for sleeping or something but I've just never heard of it." Each word Mike spoke stabbed through wills heart. He felt panicked. And definitely scared. His finger scratched at the seams of his jeans. The yellow sticking binding it all together. What was Mike gonna think?

"Oh, Escitalopram? Mm....from what I remember it's some kinda...antidepressant? Right? It's also for shit like anxiety and all that...if anything it keeps you up from sleeping...it had weird side effects...like nausea and...sexual problems?" Dustin spoke up finding his last sentence a little funny. He only knew about it because he was at a sleepover once with some weird kid he didn't know much about, not being able to sleep he just read some random book about medicine. He knew Lucas was going to question what he meant by it, but Mike on the other hand just sat back into his chair, staring at the table. And suddenly he just felt...horrible. The answer sunk in a bit. Antidepressants?

He shouldn't have asked. And how he knew Will was probably panicking over him knowing. Not only that but spoke down to him a bit. Like he was some kinda baby.

"Sexual problems? So like they're horny all the time" Lucas joked, smirking a bit at Mike who didn't look like he was in the mood to laugh at all "uh you okay...your mom takes that shit or something?" His playfulness dropped down a bit into a more serious tone. His eyes flicker from him to Dustin

"No..it's the opposite! It's like...mm..like you can't get anything like that..but I don't know...it's not like I've ever taken something weird like that...no offence but you have to be...crazy to take that kinda thing" Dustin noted as Lucas agreed. Wheeler felt his body turning a bit to look at the couch where Will was sitting. But to his surprise, he wasn't there. he'd gone upstairs. Maybe that wasn't so surprising.

"No...I don't know anyone who takes it...just heard about it.." Mike mumbled and for some reason he found himself protecting the kid who was not living in his house. He felt guilty about it, asking so causally about what the pills were, not even caring how Will would take them. I mean he even pressured him, touching the container that was his. And selfishly interrogating him. That poor boy who looked terrified.

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