ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 16- ᴘᴀᴛᴄʜɪɴɢ ᴄᴜᴛꜱ

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‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵

Mike's body tensed as he waited patiently for will you answer the door. He didn't want to stress him too much on something that felt like it had nothing to do with him, plus with the way will look he visibly wanted to go to sleep or to take some sort of nap, regardless of the time of day. In all honesty he did put the blame of himself. And he wanted to express that to will so he didn't think he was so much of a freak.

It was just like when they first met, but this time Mike was on the other side of the wooden door, looking down a small bit at the shorter boy who had opened it. He looked devastated. Everything about him screamed that he just wanted to cry and it was all Mike's fault.

"When you said you were going with Troy...I don't know why I allowed it...I guess I thought that...he wouldn't find any flaw in you...your not like me will- I-I mean I've been bullied my whole life...I just thought I'd be different for you..." he started to talk, spilling his thoughts. He didn't want to call wills sexuality a flaw...but it was. Just like how Mike was a frog face. "I'm so fucking sorry..okay...can you just let me in..." he questioned to the wet-haired boy. At least he looked more comfortable in his clean clothes and pants that finally weren't jeans.

The door pulled open giving Mike the okay to come in as he set down the plasters and painkillers on the desk right near him pills that can an open cap. Just calm down...it's okay..it's okay.

"It's not your fault...they were talking shit and I got mad...I could have prevented it but...obviously that's not what happened...mm" a small hum slipped his lips. He thought this was stupid, trying to explain to some guy how he really felt emotional about it, without trying to upset him too

"Jesus will it wasn't your fault..it was mine. All me! And I mean that.." mike furrowed his thin eyebrow at him. Watching as his eyes could barely look at him. Did will blame himself for it. Blake himself for the sexuality he couldn't even control. It just felt wrong. He couldn't fathom why people cared so much about something so irrelevant. Who will liked had nothing to do with his personality "people are assholes..and I'm sure you of all people know that. But I'll call the police about it..ya know? Not just for you but for everyone that cunt decided to fuck with. I mean with proper evidence maybe his mom will believe it too. She's been defending him for years saying how he'd never do such a thing" he felt a sigh slip his lips as he shook his head from annoyance, listening to the smaller boy sniffle and breathe inconsistently "come here..." it was an action he didn't double think about, opening up his arms and welcoming in the male before him, finally being able to catch his expression. Big hazel eyes filled with pain as his head nodded quietly at his offer

The first thing Mike felt was the warmth of the hug. Then how desperate how will gripped onto his shirt, and finally the small sobs he could hear. All of it broke Mike, and he could only think about how much pain he'd been through. How it reminded it of his younger self when he and all his younger friends used to get shit for just living. Mike didn't get out anymore because of it. "It's okay..let's just talk about it alright? I'll call into your workplace...I'll just say you can't come today. Just take it easy" his voice came off in soft vibrations to will. But he didn't hate how protective he was. If anything appreciated it.

"Y-yeah...yeah sure..." will cautiously looked at the tall male who had his arms around him. His facial features were so sharp, yet so soft. The sheer look of empathy cast over his body. The only thing he wanted to do was to just sit on his bed and hold his slender hands just like before. Running his thumbs over the bumps of the bones in his hand. Over his knuckles and his soft skin. "I mean I noticed he was...a bit weird...I was dumb..I should have left! And I was drunk as hell too...I just...mm...he beat me with some kinda torch..." will muttered out feeling the grip on his waist become even tighter than before from the worried Mike wheeler who didn't expect it to be with a torch?

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