Chapter 1 : Where is Anne Boonchuy?

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Sasha and Marcy were quickly Surrounded by Hundreds of News Reporters, wanting to get the Inside Scoop on the Girls who came back from another Dimension.

"Girls! What are your names? and who is the New girl with Black hair? Why didn't we see Her before?"

No response.

"Girls, Is it true you just came back from Another Dimension?"

No response.

"How did you Survive the Frog-vasion??"

No response.

"Where is the Girl who Saved the World? Anne Boonchuy! Where is Anne Boonchuy?"

Sasha and Marcy bursted out into tears, Marcy cried into Her chest as Sasha tilted Her head up, Sobbing uncontrollably.

"Hey! Get out of My way! Agent X is telling you to move!"

The girls looked at Him with Puffy eyes as He shooed all the Reporters away.

When They saw Mrs. and Mr. Boonchuy's faces, Excited to see Their Daughter okay and Healthy, Their Hearts sank.

when Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy looked at Them, Their faces Dropped, "Where's Anne...?" Mrs. B asked,

Marcy started sobbing into Her hands, Sasha looked down at Her lap, "I am so sorry-..." She said before Her eyes rolled back to the back of Her head, and She fainted onto Marcy.

Marcy furrowed Her eyebrows, "Sash! not you too!!"

When Marcy said that the Boonchuys immediately realized what had happened to Anne, They fell onto each other as Mr. X called an Ambulance and Marcy cried into Sasha's limp body.



"Where am I...?"

Sasha squinted Her eyes as She sat up, She looked around but it was just all Black, there was no floor, yet She was sitting on something; no light, yet She could see Herself completely fine; no mirrors, yet She could see Herself from Every Angle.

She carefully stood up, "Hello?" She called out, until She heard a Signature chuckle from Her newly departed friend.

Tear's formed in Her eyes, She whipped Her head around, "Anne?!?!"


"Anne!" She cried out, "Where are you?? Please!"


"Please!!!" She yelled, Tears streaming down Her face, but the Giggles just got Louder,


and Louder,


and Louder.



"Just... stop it..."




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