Chapter 7 : Amen

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"Lord, we pray you bless Anne for what she graciously Sacrificed for the world, we know you are watching us in Heaven with her by your side, please, Lord," The Priest started to tear up, "Tell Anne we love her..."


"Amen." Everyone repeated.

The Priest cleared His throat before grabbing the Microphone again, "If you would be so kind as to slowly and quietly form a line up to the Casket, Family first, then her close Friends, then Family Friends, Once you're done you can give your Condolences to the Family, thank you."

Everyone did as He said, First Anne's parents walked up.

No one could stomach to look at Them when They did.

Next was Anne's Grandma, then Her Uncle's and Aunt's and Cousin's, then it was Finally Sasha and Marcy's turn; behind them were many more of Anne's other friends.

They walked forward and up next to Her Casket, Marcy was tightly holding onto Sasha's hand that was on Her Crutch, They both were able to keep Their tears relatively quiet until They saw it, or more like Her.

The dead grey leaf.

Sasha and Marcy let out a gasp when They saw it, Marcy putting a hand over Her mouth and tightening Her grip on Sasha's hand, Sasha just flinching, not able to move Her arms easily.

They started to cry more as Their faces scrunched up, They both walked away from Her Casket, Trying to not choke on Their tears.

When They got to the Boonchuys, They couldn't contain Their tears anymore.

Sasha gave Mrs. Boonchuy a tight hug, Marcy did the same with Mr. Boonchuy.

"I'm so sorry..." They both apologized as They sobbed into The Boonchuy's shoulders, almost Simultaneously.

The Boonchuy's hugged them both back, "Thank you, Dear." Mrs. Boonchuy gently cried,

"It's not your fault." Mr. Boonchuy told Her,

Marcy started crying a bit harder.

After a long hug, Both Marcy and Sasha returned to Their seats.

When Everyone had looked at Anne's Casket and sat down, the Priest grabbed the Microphone again, "Hello, before we leave for the Cemetery would you please join me in Prayer."

"Dear Lord, we know you have a Plan for everyone and everything, your plan for Anne was for Her to Sacrifice Herself for the Otherworld, and even though We are all mourning now, and most of us will forever mourn Anne, we know you still have a Plan with Her up in Heaven, Thank you for all you do for us, Amen."

"Amen." Everyone repeated.

The Priest wiped a stray tear, "Please calmly leave the Sanctuary and meet us at Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery, Thank you."

Marcy wiped some tears off of Her cheeks as Her and Her Parents walked into Their house.

Mr. Wu put a hand on Her Shoulder, "Are you feeling better Marcy?"

Marcy sniffled her nose a bit, "N-Not really..."

He took a deep breath in at that response, before sighing it out, "Well uh... we've waited as long as we could to tell you, but it's time."

Marcy furrowed her eyebrows, obviously confused, "Time for what?"

Her mother clenched her jaw before putting a gentle hand on Marcy's shoulder, "Let's sit you down."

Mrs. Wu guided her to the couch and sat her down, Marcy looked at both of her parents confused as they sat next to her, both of them looking guilty, "What's wrong?" she asked,

Mr. Wu straightened his back before saying, "Marcy, I know you don't want to hear this but..."

"We still have to move."

Marcy felt tears pierce her eyes as he said that,—she felt many emotions as well, such as anger, sadness, hurt, and hatred.— Marcy just stared at him in disbelief, Mr. Wu let out a shaky sigh, "I know sweetheart, but we have to-"

"Are you fucking kidding me?!?!" Marcy yelled,

Mrs. Wu immediately gasped, "Marcy Regina Wu! language!!"

Marcy stomped her foot as she stood up, "I don't care mom!" she turned around to face them, "You aren't making me move! I just lost my best friend, what kind of parents make them move away after seeing their best friend turn to fucking dust and leaves?!?!?"

Mr. Wu stood up, putting a hand on her shoulder, "Now Marcy, I know you're upset, we are too, but-"

"Don't touch me!" Marcy demanded, smacking her dad's hand off, some tears fell onto her cheeks as she yelled, "You obviously aren't upset!! the only person who knows how I'm feeling right now is Sasha, and you want me to leave her! I mean, you two barely cried at Anne's funeral! you obviously aren't that sad about her!"

Mrs. Wu stood up as well, a strict look on her face, "Marcy, we are upset, we just know this is what the Lord has planned for us and Anne, you heard the priest, this is what God-"

"Fuck God!"

Mr. Wu gasped, "Marcy Regina Wu-"

"If God was so 'Amazing' and 'Caring' as everyone says, he wouldn't have taken Anne away from me!!" big tears started streaming down her face as she mumbled, "He wouldn't have let me see that damn music box..."

Mrs. Wu's breath hitched, "Marcy,-"

"I can't deal with this." Marcy sternly said before walking towards the door, Mr. Wu grabbed her hand, "You are not leaving again young lady-"

Marcy twisted his arm behind him and tossed him back to the couch with ease, "I was the Chief Ranger of the Newtopian army, you can't stop me."

She started walking out of the house, glancing back at her parents as she did, "Bye."

Once she got out of the house, she took a deep breath in, grabbing her phone and texting Sasha as she walked to the park,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Marbles : EMERGENCY!!! meet me at MacArthur park ASAP!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Luckily for her, Sasha replied almost instantly,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Marbles : EMERGENCY!!! meet me at MacArthur park ASAP!

~new messages~

Sashy : um okay ill be there

Sashy : but what happened? are you okay??
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Marcy took a deep breath in, wiping her eyes as she messaged back,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Marbles : EMERGENCY!!! meet me at MacArthur park ASAP!

Sashy : um okay ill be there

Sashy : but what happened? are you okay??

~new message~

Marbles : I'll tell you there, see you soon
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Published :
October, 1st, 2022.

Word Count :

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