Chapter 3 : I hate myself...

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Sasha let out an Annoyed sigh as Her Dad helped Her into His House, "Dad, I can walk by myself, I fought millions of People stuffed into one and won with this Injury wide open."

Mr. Waybright furrowed His eyebrows, "But your Ankle-"

"I fought with that too!"

She rested Her elbows on Her crutches and crossed Her arms, "I'm fine..."

Mr. Waybright sighed, "You're right, sorry, I'm just worried."

Mrs. Waybright shoved Him to the side, "You heard Her, She's fine." She smiled at Sasha, "Since you're feeling so well, we can go Shopping tomorrow! I've missed my Sassy Shopping Sashy~"

Sasha squinted Her eyes at Her, "Tomorrow is Anne's funeral."

Mrs. Waybright shrugged, "We can go before then! You'll need a new Dress for it after all, Hmm... Maybe Pink!" She thought aloud as She walked into The House.

Mr. Waybright patted Sasha on Her shoulder, "Just try to get some sleep Sweetheart, I love you."

Sasha put Her Crutches back under Her armpits, "I love you too Dad."

They shared a Smile with each other before They went to Their own rooms.

Sasha let out a sigh when She saw Her room, it was still as Messy as She left it, Makeup sprayed all over the ground and Her bed looked like it was covered in dust.

She walked over to it, sitting down Her crutches and standing on one foot as She shook out Her Blanket before plopping face first onto it.

Unfortunately, there was a reason it was so messy that She had forgotten about.

She immediately rolled off, squeezing Her arm.

When She lifted Her arm She sighed at the small bit of Blood leaking out.

The morning She got zapped to Amphibia, She had planned a Knife fight with someone after school, so She hid Her knife under the Blankets so Her Dad wouldn't find out.

She licked Her wound to Disinfect it like She did in Amphibia, Then giggled, 'I remember when I did that to Anne, She was so mad at me.'


Sasha yawned as She walked into the War-room, She was exhausted.

She had already been under so much stress, and now She has to worry about Her entire Army being Braddocks because of a Petty Sibling Rivalry?

It was quite Frankly Immature.

She pulled down on Her face as She grabbed a small bag of Snails, She Lazily left the War-room, heading to the Underground shop.

Sasha Happily waved as She left the Shop, However when She started walking back towards Her room, Her smile faded.

She always tried to put up a Happy Front for everyone, so They'd think everything was going to plan and They were safe, Hell that's the reason She's going through with this Dumb Cheerleading plan.

Before She made it to Her room, She felt a hand on Her Shoulder, "Hey Sasha-"

Sasha immediately jumped around, Dropping Her shopping bag to hold Her Duo Swords, preparing to Fight.

When She saw Anne's shocked face and Her arms in the air, Sasha sighed, swiftly putting Her swords back in Their holders, "Anne you know you can't sneak up on me! I nearly chopped your face off."

Anne nervously chuckled, "My bad..."

Sasha bent down and grabbed Her sack, Anne made an 'ooo' noise, "What's that?"

Sasha blushed a bit, She nervously rubbed the back of Her neck, "I... was gonna make a Cheerleading outfit for Today's match, y'know, to support Sprig and boost Morale..."

Anne smirked with an Eyebrow raised, " 'support Sprig' eh? Since when did you like Him?"

Sasha let out a tired chuckle, "Since I changed I guess..."

Anne's face Showed some worry, Sasha furrowed Her eyebrows, "Something wrong?"

Anne tilted Her head, "You need any help? you look really tired."

Sasha grabbed one of Her daggers, looking at Her reflection in it, "Ah shit, I do?"

She ran Her fingers over Her big dark circles as Anne awkwardly pouted Her lips to the side, "Yeah." She smiled, "I'd be happy to help you Sew that though, I think it's a Great Idea!"

Sasha chuckled, "aw Thanks Anna-Banana, I-... I think I'd like some help."

Anne sincerely smiled, pushing Her hand with the dagger back towards Sasha's belt.

Sasha took the Hint and put away Her dagger, Anne smirked, "Lead the way, M'lady~"

Sasha snorted as She walked into Her room, "Hey Anne? sure you didn't eat any weird Mushrooms?"

Anne snapped Her hand as She pointed it at Sasha, "No~"

Sasha and Anne laughed together as They walked into Sasha's room.

They both sat down on Her Hammock, Sasha poured out all the things from Her sack and onto the Bed, She picked up the Paper and Pencil She bought and Quickly drew a Messy Sketch of a Cheerleader uniform, including Sewing Blueprints.

She showed Anne, "You wanna do the back and I'll do the front?"

Anne sweetly smiled, "Sure!" She grabbed a piece of Yellow Cloth, a Needle and Thread, and a pair of Scissors.

She took a glance at the Blueprints before Quickly cutting the Shirt out, Sasha furrowed Her eyebrows, "Calm down Anne, You're going to hurt yourself."

Anne started sewing a green collar onto the Yellow Cloth, "I'm not going to- Ouch!"

She immediately dropped Her things on Her lap, shaking Her finger that She accidentally poked with the Needle.

Sasha grabbed Her hand, "I told you this would happen, here," She quickly licked the wound, Anne's face grew Red with Embarrassment and Anger,

"What are you doing?!?!?!" She yelled,

Sasha raised an eyebrow, "Disinfecting the wound? It's Amphibia there's not much else."

Anne snatched Her hand away before raising it to Sasha's forehead, flicking it as She said, "Use! Water!!!"

——End of Flashback——

Sasha was laying on Her bed, laying there with tears pooling out of Her eyes and down Her cheeks, Her face ugly and scrunched together as She clenched Her fists under the Blankets.

She sniffled Her nose, "T-That was so f-funny," She let a small chuckle escape, "How An-"

She cut Herself off, not able to say Her name.

"I was a Terrible friend."


"I am a Terrible friend."

"I was the God damn Gem of Strength yet I was too weak to save Her, too weak to redeem myself for all those years of Abuse I put Her through."

She curled into a ball, more tears Streaming down Her face and onto Her Mattress as She whispered,

"I hate myself..."

Published :
September, 3rd, 2022.

Word Count :

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