Chapter 2 : It's my fault She's dead

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Marcy began to walk up the Stairs until She heard Her Dad say, "If you need anything just get us Marcy!"

She looked behind Her, They were standing together and gently smiling, "We love you." Mr. Wu reminded, Mrs. Wu nodded in agreement.

Marcy forced a smile, "I will, Love you two too."

She quickly ran up the stairs and into Her room, almost tripping on the way.

After being in Amphibia for a whole year and the Hospital for 2 weeks, The only thing She wanted to do was Lay down in Her bed.

Well that, and have Anne back.

She sighed as that thought left Her mind, She just couldn't stop thinking about Her, Every thought these past 2 weeks have been Anne, Amphibia, Sasha, Guilt, Anne, Amphibia, Sasha, Guilt, Anne, Amphibia, Sasha, Guilt,

Especially the Guilt part.

Every day She couldn't stop thinking how it was Her fault.

She's the one who found the Music Box in the first place, This was all Her fault.

It's Her fault Anne Died.

Her eyes started to tear up, She quickly wiped Them before opening Her room Door, She let out a sigh, looking at Her old room.

She immediately felt... sorrow?

'No... I'm supposed to feel happy...'

Tears started pouring down Her face, She simply sniffled Her nose at the feeling of tears dripping off Her chin and onto Her shirt.

'Why aren't I happy...?'

She walked towards Her bed and sat on it, gently rubbing Her hand on the Blanket.

She let out a small giggle, "...There's that Stain Anne left on my Bed when She did Her straw Walrus with the straws still in the Caprisun Packets..."

She chuckled, "She Immediately got the juice up Her nose and blew it all over my Covers, I could never get that Damn stain out..."

She grabbed Her phone, Wiping one of Her eyes as She lightly giggled, "It's still in my Favorites..."

She tapped on the Video, gently laughing at it.

"Anna Banana, that can not be a good idea!"

"Yeah girl, listen to Mar-Mar."

"No, No guys, This is going to be Epic. Or if not, at least it'll be Funny! hehe!"

"Look! I'm a Wal-rus! Womp! Womp- OW! AH! IT WENT UP MY NOSE!! IT WENT UP MY NOSE!!!!"



"Sorry Mars! I'll wash It I promise! hehe!"

"Hahaha!" She laughed as Tears fell down onto Her screen, She wiped Her tears and Continued to scroll through Her favorite Videos and Photos.

as She was Scrolling, She came upon a Selfie They took in Amphibia, the Hue around Them was Orange from the Orange Glowing Mushrooms and Fireflies, you could even see some Baby Purple Fireflies in the back.

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