Chapter 6 : The Funeral

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Marcy opened Her eyes to the sound of Her parents yelling for Her,

"Marcy! It's time to wake up Sweetheart!"

Marcy turned to Her side, Trying to get up, but...

She just couldn't.

She couldn't find the strength to.

She couldn't find the reason.

She heard a soft knock on Her door, "Can I come in?" Her Mom asked,

Marcy let out a silent sigh, "Yes." She answered.

Her Mother opened the door, She sat on Marcy's bed and Gently rubbed Her shoulder, "Marcy, you need to get up."

Marcy slightly opened Her eyes, not saying anything.

Mrs. Wu softly squeezed Her shoulder, "Marshmallow, don't you want to say your Final goodbye to Anne? and Sasha too, She'll need you to be there for Her, just like She needs to be there for you-"

Mrs. Wu got cut off by Marcy giving Her an Extremely tight hug, Gently Crying into Her Mother's Shoulder.

"Mom, I miss Her so much... I can't believe this is real..."

Mrs. Wu gently rubbed Her back, feeling tears pierce Her eyes, "I know, I know... I'm here for you."

Marcy squeezed Her tighter, "Thank you Momma..."

Mrs. Wu felt the tears fall out of Her eyes, She hadn't heard Her Daughter call Her that in such a long time, She bit the inside of Her mouth as She hugged Her daughter closer, They stayed like that for a couple of seconds before Marcy let go.

Mrs. Wu wiped a tear off of Marcy's face, "Are you ready to get dressed now Marshmallow?"

Marcy nodded, Mrs. Wu stood up, wiping Her eye before walking towards the door, "I love you, Marcy."

Marcy fidgeted with Her thumbs as She looked up at Her Mom, "I love you too Mom."

Mrs. Wu gave Her a smile before closing the door.

Once Marcy was alone again, She stood up, She looked over to Her mirror, Frowning at Her Tired red face,

'I look like Shit.'


Marcy waved to Sasha as Her and Her Parents walked into the Church, Sasha gave Her a wave back, Trying to smile but She was obviously upset.

Marcy looked back at Her parents, "I'm gonna go sit with Sasha."

Mr. Wu smiled, "Alright sweetheart."

Mrs. Wu tilted Her head, "Make sure to stay in here, okay?"

Marcy nodded before Quickly walking over to Sasha.

She sat down next to Her, and rested Her head on Her shoulder, "How're you doing?" Marcy asked,

Sasha let out a sigh, "It... doesn't feel real."

Marcy held Sasha's hand, "That's what I told my Mom this morning."

Sasha leaned Her head onto Marcy's, They stayed like that in Silence.

After a while, They heard the call for 'Close Family Friends', They stood up along with Their Parents and walked into the Sanctuary where They kept Her Body Replica along with the last Piece They had of Her from Amphibia.

a Dead Grey leaf.

As the two walked into the Sanctuary, Marcy tightly held onto Sasha's arm, when Sasha looked over to Her, She could see Marcy trying Her best to hold in the tears.

This made Sasha's tears pool over Her eyes, They started streaming down Sasha's cheeks, She placed a hand on Marcy's shoulder, giving Her a sweet smile with the tears pouring out of Her eyes, telling Marcy it was okay.

Marcy scrunched up Her nose as tears started to tip over, eventually falling onto Her cheeks just like Sashas.

The two looked at each other for a second before taking Their seats.

When everyone had made it into the Sanctuary, the Funeral began.

The Priest stood up from His seat, walking towards the Casket and onto the stage behind it, He cleared His throat before grabbing His microphone.

"Good Morning, Today we are here to Celebrate the life, and Mourn the death of Anne Boonchuy, even though She only lived to 14 years of age, She was a wonderful Person, a wonderful Daughter, a wonderful Friend, and a wonderful Protector."

"If you weren't aware, Anne was missing for 7 months, She was in a different Dimension, Which may seem Crazy, but from the Invasion from 2 weeks ago and the fellow Survivors of this Dimension, we know it's real."

"Anne Boonchuy bravely fought for the world, and Sacrificing Herself for another Dimension."

"She truly was a Brave, Kind, and Wonderful child of God, and we know She is in Heaven with the Lord, being rewarded for Her selflessness Deeds."

Everyone could hear the Boonchuy's tears escalate.

The Priest grabbed the Pamphlet for Anne's funeral, "Now I will read Her Pamphlet."

"Anne Savisa Boonchuy was born February 27th, 2006 to Her Parents, in 2011 She came out as Trans and changed Her name to Anne, one year later She was put in Muay Thai, being Exceptionally good at it, Once She was in School She also enlisted in Tennis, also being an Excellent Player."

"She was a very Out going person, being able to be Friends with just about Anyone, but Especially Her Best Friends since Kindergarten, Sasha Waybright and Marcy Wu, who also Accompanied Her in the Other Dimension."

Marcy and Sasha squeezed each other's hands as Tears pooled over Their eyes, biting the inside of Their mouths to stay Quiet for the Ceremony.

The Priest Continued, "In that other Dimension, She made many new friends, Hopadiah Plantar, Sprig Plantar, and Polly Plantar, They accepted Her as one of Their own, Seeing Her as a Granddaughter, and Sister."

The Priest looked up from His pamphlet, "Personally, I-... I also saw Anne as my Granddaughter, I can speak for the entire Thai Community when I say how much Anne affected our Lives, and at such a young age."

He closed His eyes for a moment before looking back down at His paper, "Excuse me, let me Continue."

"Unfortunately, We don't have enough time today to talk about Anne's wonderful Adventures in the other Dimension, but trust when we say, They were Incredible."

"In the other World, Anne learned to Sword Fight, also obtaining strange Blue Powers, Which She used both in Her fight to save Earth."

The Priest's eyes started to tear up, "After She saved the world, She went back to the other world, Saving it with the help of Her friends, but in the end, made an Incredible Sacrifice."

"We don't know much of what She had done, but from Her Best Friends small Explanations, it was 'Terrifying, Brave, Heart Breaking, and Gruesome'."

"Anne Savisa Boonchuy died on February 27th, 2020, at age 14, surrounded by Her Adopted Frog family, and Her Best Friends."

He wiped a tear from His eye before putting the Pamphlet away, "We will forever Thank Her for Her amazingly Selfless Sacrifice; if you could join me in a word of Prayer, please."

Published :
September, 24th, 2022.

Word Count :

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