Chapter 5 : I miss Her so much Sash

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Sasha stumbled out of Her room, Silently cursing every time Her crutches creaked under Her.

When She got to Her living room She glanced over to the Couch, groaning at what She saw.

Suspicion Island was playing on the T.V. with Her Mom laying on the Couch, still gripping onto a Wine bottle even though She was sleeping and snoring Extremely Loud.

Sasha glared at Her for a moment before Heading towards the Door, but then She let out a sigh,

'I don't want my Dad waking up to that...'

She glanced back at Her Mom,

'But it's not my responsibility, I just got back from the Hospital for Fucks sake, I shouldn't have to do this.'

She started hopping over to the Door once again, but once She was at the door She let out an Annoyed Groan,

'God damnit.'

Sasha went back towards Her Mom, taking the remote and turning off Suspension Island, resting the remote on the Coffee table.

She then took the Wine bottle out of Her hand, happy none of it spilled onto the ground.

She stumbled into the Kitchen, Swiftly pouring the rest of the Wine down the sink, then Throwing it away in the Trashcan.

She went back to Her Mother, fixing the Blanket on Her before taking out Her phone to text Marcy,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sashy : im gonna be a little late sorry
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

She let out another sigh before glancing at Her Mom, squinting Her eyes at Her before walking towards the door, this time Leaving out of it.

Sasha walked over towards the swing sets, She waved to Marcy as best as She could with Crutches, Marcy didn't notice, She was just looking down at Her feet and slightly swinging on The swing.

"Hey Mars, sorry I'm late." Sasha greeted

Marcy looked up from Her feet, slightly smiling at Sasha with puffy eyes, "Hey Sash, I saw your message, you're fine."

Sasha sat on the swing and laid Her crutches on the ground between Her and Marcy, Sasha had a comforting smile on Her face, She gently rubbed Marcy's arm, "Have you been crying?"

Marcy sniffled Her nose with a smile, "uh... yeah, How'd you know?"

Sasha giggled a little, taking Her hand off Marcy to laugh into it, "Your eyes and your cheeks are puffy and your nose is red."

Marcy leaned Her elbows on Her knees, "Your face looks like that too."

Sasha chuckled, wiping one of Her watery eyes, "I have been crying a bit so, makes sense." Sasha let out a sigh, "So uh... about the Dream thing, your Dream went like mine? like exactly?"

Marcy hummed, looking down at Her lap, "We were in Wartwood and started running towards a Field, we waved to Maddie, Felicia, and the Plantars, and it was Obvious A-... She was missing..."

Sasha furrowed Her eyebrows, "Like She was there but not? like She was a Shadow?"

Marcy looked up at Her, there were big tears in Her eyes, "...Exactly."

Sasha took a sharp breath in, "I-..." She grabbed Marcy's hand, squeezing it tightly, "I think we might've Shared a Dream."

Marcy let out a Shaky sigh, "T-Then... does that mean that was really... Her?"

Sasha bit the inside of Her mouth, "...Marcy, that's not possible, we saw Her-" She cut herself off as She felt tears pierce Her eyes, Marcy began to gently sob,

"I- I know, it's just..." She raised a hand to Her mouth, hovering over it as more tears spilled out, "I miss Her so much Sash...!"

Sasha made the swing face Marcy, She raised a hand to Marcy's face and gently caressed Her cheek, She scrunched up Her nose in attempt to keep in Her tears, but they quickly escaped the moment a word escaped Her lips, "...Me too Marbles..."

Marcy continued to sob into Sasha's hand until She just jumped onto Her, hugging Sasha tightly, making sure to be careful with Her back.

Sasha quickly hugged Marcy back, also sobbing on Her shoulder.

After a while, They let go, Marcy rubbed the tears off Her red puffy face, "W-What time is it?"

Sasha grabbed Her phone, squinting Her foggy eyes at the Bright light, She quickly turned it off once She read the time, "4:26..."

Marcy let out a sigh, "We need to go back home and try to get some sleep before Her funeral." She stood up from the Swing, handing Sasha Her crutches, "I can walk you home if you want?"

Sasha let out a small chuckle as She stood up, gently rubbing Her swollen eyes, "Funny, usually I walk you home."

Marcy had a small smirk on Her face, "I don't think you should be walking much with those Crutches."

Sasha let out a happy sigh, although it seemed a bit forced, "Good point." She started hobbling over to the Exit of the park, "I'll let you walk me Home I suppose."

Marcy twirled a bit of Sasha's hair as They walked towards Her house, "Good."

Marcy carefully walked into Her home, Thankfully Her parents weren't downstairs.

She quietly sneaked up the stairs and into Her room, Silently closing Her door.

Once it was just Her again, She sat down on Her bed with a sigh, gently yawning.

She let Herself fall back onto Her Bed horizontally, Marcy brought Her hands up to Her face, gently tugging on the area under Her eyes,

'Her Funeral is tomorrow...'

Tear's pierced Her eyes,

'How am I going to survive that?'

She lifted Her legs and bent them, resting them on Her bed,

'Seeing Mrs. and Mr. Boonchuy... knowing its my Fault Their daughter is-'

She started sobbing again, She sat up as She rubbed Her face, trying to dry Her face but more tears just came out.

She slowly re-adjusted Herself into facing the way She was supposed to Lay down on Her bed, gently putting Herself under Her covers, continuing to Sob into Her pillow until She fell asleep.

Published :
September, 17th, 2022.

Word Count :

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