Chapter 4 : You can hear me?

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Marcy happily waved goodbye to Olivia and Yunan as She left The Castle, "Goodbye Lady Olivia! Goodbye General Yunan!"

When She left the Castle doors, it was Wartwood, She looked back behind Her, but the Castle was no longer there, She smiled and tapped Her chin, not even Noticing, "Now where is that Blondie..."

Suddenly She felt a hand on Her shoulder, "Hey Mar-Mar!"

Marcy looked back at where the hand cane from, Smiling as She saw Sasha's face, "Hiya Sash! you ready to have some Sparring?"

Sasha smirked as She put Her hands on Her hips, "Hell yeah! but aren't we going to wait for-" She cut Herself off, They were both quiet for a moment before Sasha repeated Her Statement, "Hell yeah! you lead the way~"

Marcy grabbed Sasha's hand as They ran off towards an Open Field, Sasha lightly giggled at how Excited Marcy was.

Marcy looked back at Sasha, "I got Lady Olivia to buy me a Sword just for this!!"

Sasha tilted Her head, "Doesn't General Yunan have some swords you could use?"

Marcy let out a cackle, "Are you kidding me?? General Yunan would Kill me if I used one of Her swords."

"Hey Human Bestie!"

Marcy looked over to the frog who Greeted Her with a Spooky voice and Baguettes in Her arms, Marcy smiled wide and waved to Maddie as She continued to run through town, "Hey Frog Bestie!!"

"Hey Girls!"

Sasha and Marcy looked over to Felicia, waving back at Her, "Hello Ms. Sundew!!" They both said Simultaneously.

"Mornin' you two!"

They both looked at where the voice came from, Their Happy smiles dropping for a slight moment as They saw the Plantars, and the Faded silhouette of a Tall lanky girl, glitching out and into Their views.

They blinked a couple of times before waving happily, "Good morning!!" They both said, continuing to run.

Eventually, They found Themselves in a Field, Marcy put Her hands on Her hips, panting a bit from the Long run, "Well Sash! What first?"

Sasha grabbed Her Duo swords from Her sides, "Some Basic Training."

Marcy took off Her cloak, sitting it on the ground before Grabbing Her sword, "All right! Come at me."

Sasha cringed at Marcy's hand placement, She put Her swords back in Their places and walked towards Her, "Your hand placement is all wrong, Here,"

Sasha quickly moved Marcy's hands on the sword, Then put Her hand against Her back, making it Straighten, She then pushed one of Marcy's feet back with Her foot, finally forcing Her shoulders down and making Marcy's chin go up a little bit.

Sasha walked back to Her spot smirking, "That feel better?"

Marcy tightened Her grip on Her sword, smiling at Her hand placement, "Yeah!" She looked back up at Sasha with a devilish Smirk, making sure to keep Her chin up, "Now, come at me!!"

Sasha grabbed Her swords, "Not so fast Marbles, I'm the one training you remember? you come at me."

"Alright." Marcy said as She furrowed Her eyebrows and bent Her knee's a bit, preparing Herself to pounce on Sasha, Sasha did the same.

Marcy swiftly ran towards Sasha, swinging Her sword from the left and onto Her blue sword.

Sasha used Her strength to keep the Sword there, the two basically having an arm wrestle but with swords.

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