Chapter 8 : ...what am I going to do...?

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Throughout the walk to the park, Marcy's emotions started getting worse and worse, she tried to hold it in but when she got to MacArthur park, she was just a big sobbing mess.

Luckily, Sasha was already there—sitting on one of the tall steps up to a slide, her feet dangling off just about an inch from the ground—when she arrived.

Marcy immediately ran towards her, crying out "Sasha!"

Sasha looked worried when she heard Marcy's yelp, when she hugged onto her knees and cried into them, Sasha knew something terrible had happened.

Sasha gently petted her head as Marcy continued to sob into her legs, "Mar-Mar, calm down, tell me what happened?"

All Marcy could get out was, "Sash! they- t-they're... Sasha...!" before she started sobbing even harder.

Sasha took a deep breath in, trying not to cry at the sight of Marcy crying, she brought a hand to Marcy's chin and made her look up, Sasha had an understanding smile on her face, "Hey, Marcy, breath with me,"

Marcy nodded, Sasha brought one of her hands up as she breathed in, "1, 2, 3, 4," she counted, then let her breath out, "4, 3, 2, 1." Marcy breathing the best she could with her.

Sasha wiped Marcy's eyes as she continued to try and steady her breath, Sasha started to gently rub her cheek, realizing that if she tried to wipe her tears, she'd be wiping forever.

"Can you tell me what's wrong now Mars?" Sasha softly asked as she swiped her thumb on Marcy's cheek.

Marcy sniffled her nose, "M-my parents they...!" her breath hitched again, Sasha just made sweet 'shh' sounds as Marcy fought hyperventilation.

Marcy choked back a sob as she whispered out in a whimper, "Making me move away..."

Sasha's heart immediately dropped, "W-what...?"

Marcy's breath began to speed up again, "They- they're-" she took a shaky breath in, "My parents... t-they're making me move...!"

More tear's spilled down her pink puffy cheeks, "They're making me move again!" she let her head fall to the side and out of Sasha's grasp, sobbing once again on Sasha's lap.

Marcy's breath became sharper and quicker as she felt some tear droplets fall on her neck, "They're making me move!!" she repeated, almost screaming into Sasha's legs,

She pulled at her black hair as she continued to yell, almost running out of breath after every word due to her quick breaths.

"They're making me move!" Marcy yelled, Sasha began to gently sob as Marcy kept screaming, "they're making me move! they're making me move away! t-they're making... making me-me-me move!... Sa-Sash...!"

Sasha tried her hardest to gain her composure, she put her hands under Marcy's armpits and lifted her up, sitting Marcy next to herself on the slide entrance.

Sasha and Marcy stared into each other's eyes for a split moment, both of them having glossy eyes, the very big difference between Sasha's controlled slow breaths and Marcy's swift rapid ones being painfully obvious.

Marcy went to attempt speech again and opened her mouth, but Sasha just hugged her, tightly.

The second Sasha's arms wrapped around Marcy, she just fell apart even more.

Her lip quivered, hands scraping at Sasha's shoulders as big tears pooled down, her chest compacted as she began to cry even harder, "S-Sash... Sasha..." she sobbed, not even being able to see due to the tears in her sad brown eyes, "They're still making me move away...! even after all that happened!"

Marcy choked a bit before asking in a broken sob, "...what am I going to do...?"

Sasha squeezed her tighter as she took a sharp breath in, her chin crinkling as she bit her lip, eventually letting out a mumbled, "I don't know."

Marcy just cried at her reaction, Sasha crying with her.

After around 20 minutes passed, the two saw a bright yellow light through their tear-filled eyes, both of them put their attention to the light, which was coming from a silver mini-van.

Marcy's lip quivered as she noticed who was in said mini-van, her parents.

Sasha glanced over to Marcy, "Marce... isn't that your parents-!" her voice squeaked as Marcy started pulling Sasha away, the blonde barely being able to grab her crutches before Marcy started sprinting off, Sasha running as well as she could behind her, their hands holding.

The two of them heard her parents call, but Marcy ignored them, Sasha gave her a worried look but decided it was best to just go along with what Marcy thought was best.

After a decent amount of running, the two stopped to catch their breath.

While Marcy was still gasping for air, she asked, "H-how did they find me? I didn't tell them I was coming here..."

Sasha was gasping for air as well, although her's were much more controlled, "Um... do you have a tracker on your phone?"

Marcy breathed in sharply as she grabbed her phone from her pocket, nodding as she looked down at it, "Yeah, yeah I do." she checked the time—it was 6:49 PM—before dropping her phone onto the grass below, not caring if it cracked or not.

Marcy looked back up at Sasha with a serious face, squeezing tightly onto the hand she was holding before letting out a sigh, showing that she had gotten her breath under control.

"Okay Sash," Marcy began, "you ready to go?"

Sasha stood still for a moment before saying, "Yeah, but-" Marcy started pulling Sasha behind her, simply walking this time, "Great." Marcy replied in a blank tone.

Sasha's eyebrows furrowed as she watched Marcy pull her towards a large stone bridge that was part of the park, although it was hidden quite well, "Hey, I was going to ask, why are you running away?"

Marcy glanced back at Sasha, "I'm not." she defended herself, although a small part of her tone revealed she wasn't completely telling the truth.

Sasha sharply exhaled through her nostrils, "Mars," she said sternly, "you are running away right now."

Marcy's steps quickened, "I'm not!" she repeated, Sasha just squinted her eyes at Marcy, "Marcy, this didn't go well last time, you can't just... keep running away from your problems-"

"I'm not!!" Marcy yelled, whipping around to face Sasha with tears in her eyes, when she saw Sasha's confused face, she just tucked her lips in for a moment before loudly grunting with a stomp of her foot, sprinting towards the stone bridge.

"Marcy!" Sasha yelled after her before following her as quickly as possible with crutches.

Published :
October, 8th, 2022.

Word Count :

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