Chapter 9 : I'm sorry I left

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"Marcy!!" Sasha yelled, running with a limp after the black-haired girl, who was running towards the underside of a stone bridge.

When Sasha finally got to the bridge, Marcy was there, sobbing into her knees against the mossy stone bricks behind her, one of her feet halfway in a puddle, the moonlight behind the blonde shining in.

Sasha sighed when she saw her, she wasn't tired from the running, but her ankle was burning, it felt like it was being ripped in half with thousands of knives stabbing it.

She limped towards Marcy, letting her body collapse when she got to the black-haired girl.

Marcy glanced up from her knees due to the sound of Sasha hitting the floor, Marcy sniffled her nose, looking down at Sasha's foot, the gauze looked like it was falling apart a bit—most likely from the running Sasha had to do—Marcy started sobbing even harder, "I'm so sorry Sash!"

Sasha winced at her ankle for a moment before comforting Marcy, "It's okay Mar-Mar-"

"No, it's not!!"

Sasha jumped a bit, surprised by Marcy's sudden outburst, Sasha began to gently rub Marcy's arm, "Marcy-"

"Stop it!" she screamed, burying her head into her knees as she hit her head repeatedly, "Stop trying to comfort me!! I don't deserve it! I don't!!" she sobbed,

Sasha brought her hand to Marcy's and tugged it down, tears in her eyes as Marcy struggled against her, but Sasha couldn't just let her hurt herself, "Marcy! don't do that to yourself!"

Marcy simply cried harder, bringing her head up and resting it across the bricks behind her, "Stop it... I don't deserve it... please..."

Sasha curled her lips in a bit, "Marcy, you do deserve it, you lost our best friend, of course, you're going to be upset."

"...It's my fault she's gone."

Sasha lightly gasped, she put a hand on Marcy's face, "No it's not, don't say that."

Marcy slapped her hand away, "Yes it is!" she yelled, big tears in her eyes. Sasha looked shocked, this was the first time Marcy had ever acted like this, and it was terrible that the first time she had finally stood up to Sasha, she was being so terrible to herself.

"It's all my fault!" she cried, "I was the one who found the music box, I was the one who texted you both to get it, I'm the reason we went to Amphibia," she choked a bit as she muttered, "It's all my fault..."

Sasha attempted to put a reassuring hand on Marcy's shoulder again, which this time, she didn't slap away.

Sasha gently squeezed her shoulder, "Mars, I was the one who made her skip that day, so if we're blaming, blame me too;" Sasha had a comforting smile on her face, "but it's not our fault, she chose to..." Sasha let out a shaky breath before continuing, "It wasn't our fault."

"I can't believe you..." Marcy mumbled,

Sasha furrowed her eyebrows, "W-what did you say? I'm sorry you were kinda quiet-"

"I said I can't believe you!" she screamed, making Sasha flinch a bit as she covered her ears from the sudden loud noise.

Marcy tugged on her black roots as she cried, facing her head down, "I can't believe you seriously think it's your fault! this is all me, it's my fault Anne's dead!"

She whipped her head up, an angry expression on her face, "And I can't believe you aren't mad at me..."

Sasha opened her mouth to talk, but Marcy just yelled over her, "I know what you're going to say! you're going to try and comfort me, but you shouldn't!"

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