Chapter 15: The Cover-up

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I wake up the next morning exhausted. My feet hurt like hell.

I rub the sleep out of my eyes and pop my head out of the tent. To no surprise Trivera is standing right outside.

"Where were you?" she sounds pissed.

"What? Finally realize you were wrong or did you miss me?" I seethe.

"No because I'm supposed to be watching out for you," she glares.

"Well," I start walking away from the tent. "I don't know if you noticed, but you kinda failed already. Also, I don't need a baby sitter. I'm a big girl," my anger fuels my sarcasm like wood does a fire. "I can take care of myself."

"Whatever. Where are you going anyway?" She asks like it's just another day at home.

"To pee. That a problem?" I snap.

"No," she says. "Unless you're not actually doing that."

"Are you serious?" I say losing the sarcastic tone. "I'm going to go pee."

"Ok, fine."

She stops following me and I keep walking.

I finish my business and then go to the spot where Pierce lies knocked out.

I take in a deep breath then scream as loud and high pitched as possible.

I slowly bend down and check his pulse. He's still alive, but his pulse getting slow.

"Please don't die," I whisper into his ear.

"What happened?" someone says from behind me.

"I don't know. There's a pretty bad head wound on his right."

"Someone needs to go get Alder," says another.

I turn around to see Charlene, Brian, and, of course, Trivera.

Brian turns around and starts off in a sprint towards the beach.

Trivera steps forward and squats down next to me.

"Did you have anything to do with this?" she whispers.

"You think I did this?!" I say outraged she would even think that I did this; even though I did.

"Well, you did find him first," she says accusingly.

"Well, thanks for that," I say standing up. "I think I'll leave now before you start believing I'm a psychopath-oh-or what about a sociopath?" I start walking away.

"Avice, I didn't mean it like that."

"Of course you didn't mean it like that. You never do."

"Avice," she calls out, but I don't look back.


When I get to the beach, I see Alder bossing Taiwo and Brian to grab this and that.

I walk over to the stash of building supplies. I grab two branches and vines.

My fingers wrap the vine around the sticks; slowly creating a stretcher. I tie knots each time I wrap it around. As the vine grows too short, I tie another vine to the end of the last one.

When I finish the stretcher I throw it over my shoulder and go back to Pierce.


When I get back Trivera is standing over Pierce and Charlene is pacing.

I ignore them and walk over to Pierce and place the stretcher next to him. Then, pull him onto it as carefully as possible.

"Hey Charlene," she stops pacing and steps towards me. "Can you give me a hand? Alder won't be able to do much to help him in the woods." She nods.

Trivera follows us back to the beach.


Alder is still bossing Brian around, but I don't see Taiwo.

"Is he going to be ok?" I look down and see Brinn. Her big brown curious eyes stare at me with intent.

"I hope so," I respond.

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