Chapter 7: Date Gone Wrong

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"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" Trivera jumps up and down on my bed like a child would on their parents' bed on Christmas morning.

"Five more minutes," I say rolling over.

"No!" She shrieks and throws a pillow at me. "Today is the day!"

"For what?" I say tiredly.

"Ugh! The double date! It's tonight!" She throws another pillow at my head.

"Fine. I'm up." I say get up slowly. "What time is it anyways?"

"It's 9:00."

I slowly get up and get dressed. I put on a pair of shorts and a white t-shirt with a yellow smiley face with glasses and braces. Instead of putting my contacts in, I put on my glasses.

"How about we hit the arcade?" Trivera asks.

"Loved to," I say.

We skip through the halls, our arms linked.

When we reach the arcade it's 9:30. We play a few rounds of pool. Trivera beats me all but once. Which, for me, is an accomplishment because she usually beats the shit out of me.

When I get tired of losing, we play packman. We both win once and go into a tie breaker. Eventually, I win.

Then, we slowly enter a violent game of air hockey. The puck slides toward me. I hit it and it's back again. We play air hockey all the time in Trivera's basement. Eventually, we have both won ten times. Then, on the final round, Trivera trumps and takes the glory.

We look up at the clock to find that it is 4:30. We run back to our room and get into our dresses.

When Trivera came back into the room wearing her dress, I lowered my glasses to the tip of my nose. "Now what to do with that hair of yours!" I say in a fashionista voice.

Trivera puts on her black beanie. "No, no, no!" She says in her fashionista voice. "Ze question iz what to do with zat mess you call hair!"

"Hey," I say taking offense and grabbing my hair.

After I'm in my dress, I sit down and Trivera puts my hair in a side braid. I grab a black purse and stuff a change of clothes for Trivera and me inside of it. I refuse to leave my binder and shove it and pencils into my bag.

Just then, there's a knock on the door. Trivera jumps up to find our dates: Taiwo and Tam.

"You look amazing! Shall we?" They say together.

"We shall," Trivera and I say together.

We walk through the halls talking about our favorite colors and how we are all easily distracted.

When we get to the restaurant, the boys pull out our chairs. It takes only a few minutes to find what we want to eat. Taiwo orders salmon, Tam orders a salad, Trivera orders pasta with lamb ragù, and I order a steak.

"How many siblings do you have?" I ask trying to create a conversation.

"We have a younger brother and sister," Tam says. "What about you?"

"Only child," I say.

"I have three older sisters, an older brother, and a younger brother," she says sitting up straighter.

We talk for about twenty minutes until our food arrives. We eat slowly. It takes us a little less than an hour to finish the meal. We're about to to order dessert, when the boat shakes.

"What was that?!" Trivera's voice shakes.

"The boat must have ran into something," Tam says.

"We better go," Taiwo says.

We run through the halls, towards where we thought the shaking came from. We don't go very far, when we step into puddles of water.

"Great! We're on a sinking ship!" Trivera says. "It's going to end like the Titanic!"

"Great! Thanks for the optimism!" I roll through my mind what we could do. "The captain should be notifying everyone on here that we're sinking and-" Just then I get cut off by an announcement saying exactly what I said it would and we should go up to the deck and get into life boats.

"Avice and I will go help with the getting people on the life boats. Taiwo and Tam you go make sure every one gets up to us." Trivera says confidently.

We nod and head off.

Trivera and I get to the deck and help people into boats. There were several people on this boat, yet there weren't that many here.

Just then, Taiwo and Tam come along. Tam is holding two little girls and Taiwo is holding a woman. In front of Taiwo there's an old man, a woman holding a litte boy, a man holding a little boy, and a girl holding a doll.

The two little girls Tam is carries are holding hands behind his neck. The woman Taiwo is carrying the woman over his left shoulder and seems to be knocked out. The old man is hobbling as fast as he can. The woman carrying the little boy holds on to the boy for dear life. The man next to her holds a little boy who is holding on to the woman's hand. The girl seems to be ten and her eyes are red as if she had just been crying.

We help everyone into the life boat. We wait as long as we could to get more people into boats, but we couldn't stay any longer. Taiwo and Tam help us in, then get in after us.

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