Chapter 2 - Meet the family pt2

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"They call themselves the Umbrella academy, a group of scheming, perfidious malcontents. Who accosted me in the fall of 1963 when I was away on business in Dallas." He told shortly, the situation was tense, really, no one cared about the old man but somehow everyone cared about proving themselves to him, there was a set of children too much in the house.

Five looked back at the place where they space jumped eyeing the commission briefcase, he needed to make sure to grab it on their way out, it was the safety exit to any problem. Someone noticed tho, Number 8 was used to see strange behaviors, she studied every mission her brothers and sisters ever did and was instructed to notice everything in order to be ready if there was ever the need for her to show herself to the public. Now after years she had no interest on joining her siblings but at last she had developed a cunning observation of human behavior.

"Be wanted, they claim to be my spawn." Said Reginald in a rough and mean voice, and ever before for the sparrows it kinda felt like a jab in the guts.

"Claim? Look, Five, what the hell is going on?" Asked one of the two girls, the taller one with long straight black hair falling over her black poncho. They all wore black clothes, it felt like they just attended a funeral. Anyway, she looked at Reginald baffled and then at the tiny guy like he had every answer in the world. Why was that? Why did Y/n feel like he knew too much for his age?

"I don't know yet but is concerning." He replied not averting his eyes from the group of 8 people that was watching them speak like a tennis match. Five eyes squinted, had he counted right? There were eight of the Sparrow, not seven?

"Is he telling the truth?" Asked Marcus, taking the lead of the conversation, concern dropping from his words, if the old man thought that this Umbrella academy kids were a problem. He had, with his siblings, to do something about it.

"Not the part about us being perfidious." Replied the other girl of the group her skin considerably more pale and dark hair neatly combed behind her ears.

"No, we are amature-fidious at best." Followed the hat guy with kinda of a pun, emphasizing 'at best' like they were a scattering mess even if they claimed to be Reginald Hargreeves' children.

"But we are his children, this is our house." Enforced the short woman with a soft voice, Marcus eyes itched confused at the calmness of her.

"Yeah, yeah. We uh... we grew up here." Stepped forward the bigger one of them.

"Oh- yeah, yeah, we grew up here." Mocked Alphonso gaining some snickers of amusement buy a couple of his siblings.

"I kinda of think we would have noticed you." Sloane voiced stating the obvious, and kinda bringing up the fact that the dude was too big to not be noticed. The big one stared at her like on a trance for half a second and then broke into a smile.

"Hi, I'm Luther." His hand coming forward to meet the lovely Sloane, the woman averted her gaze from him feeling a little taken aback by the sudden change in demeanor.

"You missed introduction time by a few minutes, big guy, really rude." Spoke up Y/n snapping him out of the trance he fell into from the second Sloane spoke. Luther looked at number 8, eyebrows furrowed slightly, he rode back into the awkwardness of the situation. Ergo facing the Umbrella academy replacements.

"OK. Non of you belong here." Stepped forward the black haired woman, speaking with a imperative voice that the Sparrows didn't really like. You know, the sparrows grew up nurturing a superiority complex, and this show offs, this Umbrella kids, were slowly irking them.

"Oh! Well, then. I guess we'll just pack our bags and move out." Smart answered Fei, a huge cup of sarcasm behind her words. Christopher wanted to have a say on it too, robotic sounds coming out of him, all the Sparrows now understood his language, he threw on a pun and everyone giggled at that.

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