Welcome to Denver

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As she puts things in her new house she greets her step dad and meets him for the third time

Y/N-"well this house is small but it will work i guess.

Step dad-My nephew is out with his friends but he'll be back tomorrow after school

Y/N - Is he my age??

Step dad- Yeah you guys go to the Same school I think you'll like him a lot

Y/N-Maybe I will.

-Y/N finishes getting her new room ready and decides she has to go to sleep because she has school in the morning-

Y/N mom-Y/N!! Wake up you don't want to be late on the first day of school!

Y/N-ughh fine mom I'll get ready

-Y/N goes down stairs eats breakfast,grabs her lunch and heads to school-

Gwen-So a girl is moving into your house Robin?

Robin-Yeah which sucks because her mom is with my uncle

Finney-but At least you will have a girl to hang out with except Gwen

Robin-nah I'll hang out with you guys like I always do

Gwen-If she's nice I'll definitely be her friend!!

Finney-if she even likes you Gwen.

Gwen-she will jerk everyone does.

They arrive to school

Finney- Do you even know how she looks like robin?

Robin-Not at all but I don't care it's not like I'll like her or fall in love with her

Finney-if she's pretty I call dibs so don't come running to me if you want her I already called dibs

Gwen-funny Finney well I'll see you guys at lunch bye!!

Robin-bye gwenn

Finney- bye kid

-Y/N opens the school doors and notices everyone has an eye on her

Y/N-Excuse me do you know where locker 145 is?

Finney-yeah it's right next to this one this is my sisters btw

Y/N-Oh thank you!

Finney-You're new here??

Y/N-yeah I am I'm Y/N btw

Finney-Finney nice to meet you Y/N *he smiles oh and this is Robin my friend

Robin-hey there

Y/N-Hey Robin nice to meet you guys well I'll be heading to science can you guys tell me where that is?

Robin-that's ou-

Finney-that's our next class follow me

Y/N-Okay thanks

-In class-

Teacher-We have a new student in our class today Y/N please stand up and introduce yourself to the class

Y/N-Okay *stands up* Hello everyone my name is Y/N I came from Virginia and I like to play soccer and I hope we all can be friends this year *sits down *

Teacher-thank you Y/N

-Class starts -

-Y/N feels like someone is staring at her it was finney -

Y/N whispering-what are you looking at?

Finney whispering -A pretty girl *he smiles*

-In Robins Mind-

Gosh why am I so jealous of finney I've never been jealous of him before should it be because of Y/N? but I don't like her or do I? I don't even know to be honest I don't care if finney likes her she will be mine .


Robin-y-yeah what happened

Finney-nothing class ended yet you were still sitting down

Robin -yeah sorry I was day dreaming where is Y/N

Finney-she left to her next class she got help by the teacher

Robin-oh uhm okay-

-School ends-
Y/N,Robin,Finney and gwen started to walk home

Finney-Y/N I liked how you looked at school today you looked amazing btw

Y/N-Thank you finney

Robin-ugh I'll see you guys tmr.

-Robin runs home mad because of finney
Y/N arrives home

-Robin runs into his room-

Step dad-Glad your here my newphew is in his room you can go meet him if you want

Y/N okay I'll go say hi
-Y/N slowly opens the door but hear something fall so she freezed

Robin-I'm so done this is it I'm done with this bull shit

Y/N mind-Robin?..

Y/N Opens the door and leans on it

Y/N- what are you done with?

Robin-you must be the girl my un- You have to be kidding me Y/N?!

Y/N- Yeah guess we're roommates or wtv

Robin-guess so.

Y/N-Well I'll be in my room

Robin-Finney is coming over today .

Y/N-That's good to hear *smiles*

Robin-You know he idk may be using you

Y/N-Or maybe your just jealous

Robin-What uhm ofc not yeah no

Y/N-I can tell your lying but okay *closes door"

-Robins mind-
I'm going crazy over this girl I really am.

*A few hours pass by and a knock is at the door.

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