Winter dance.

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-It was already December and the winter dance was tonight everyone in the halls asking to be each other's date y/n had to watch as she knew she couldn't have a date because Robin and her relationship was a secret-

-At lunch-

Donna -I really hope finney asks me to the winter dance

Gwen-Well Im going solo just because boys are to much to deal with

Donna-who you going with y/n?

Y/n-uhm solo this year too

Donna-what happened to Robin?

Gwen-what do you mean y/n did you have something with robin?

Y/n-what uH no-

Gwen-how come Donna said robin then-

Donna-another Robin gwen.


Gwen-oh well comes Robin and finney! Guys over here!!

Finney and Robin-hey guys

The girls-heyy

Finney-so you guys going to the dance?

Donna-yes I am


Y/n-guess so

-They eat lunch-

Donna-here comes the jerk



Bruce-hey guys


Bruce-so y/n

Robin-wouldn't talk to her if I were you

Finney-why not Robin?

Bruce-yeah why not?

-Everyone stares at Robin-

Robin-well because y/n is obviously annoyed by him

Bruce-are you y/n?

Y/n-I have to use the bathroom
-Y/n walks to the bathroom-

Robin-there's your answer bruce.

Bruce-hm not really I just need another answer

Finney-which is?

Bruce-ima ask her to go to the winter dance with me cause you know she's available right now *smirks*

Robin-how do you know she is?

Bruce-because I don't know if you guys heard but me and y/n kissed-

Robin-actually it was you that full on kissed her

Bruce-but she enjoyed it

Finney-how do you know.

Bruce-because I know she did

Robin-looks like she didn't if she left you hanging

Bruce-your just jealous because she doesn't like you back

Robin-shut the fuck up you don't know shit-

Bruce-what ever I'll go look for her

-Bruce leaves to go find y/n

Robin-son of a bitch

Finney-why do you care so much Robin it's not like you two are a thing right?

Gwen-yeah are you guys a thing?

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