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-Y/n starts walking home alone-

Y/n-so weird that Robin left home early

Bruce-y/n wait up!

Y/n-ugh what now bruce

Bruce-This *he kisses her*

-Robin comes out the house he stays silent-

-Robins Mind-
What the fuck did I just witness would she really just let him do that.
Is she cheating on me.

Robin-*goes inside mad*

Y/n-*pushes bruce* what the fuck bruce

Bruce-cmon don't act like you didn't like it

Y/n-I'm not acting I didn't like that-

Bruce-I like you y/n

Y/n-I don't bruce can't you see I'm sorry bruce this won't work out anymore


-Y/n goes home-

-Note on table me and your step dad went out we're going to be out the house for two days love you x

Y/n-well more time for freedom

Robin-what now y/n

Y/n-you good you seem li-

Robin-no I'm not I saw you kissing Bruce

Y/n-Robin it wasn't like th-

Robin -no it was like that if you wanted him you could've just told me y/n!

Y/n-Robin!I don't want him I just want you I swear!!

Robin-I'm not sure about that you kissed him and everything

Y/n-he kissed me I swear Robin!

Robin-I don't know you anymore y/n maybe it's better if we end this

Y/n-Robin no please I love you not Bruce please.

Robin-only if you stop talking to him

Y/n-okay fine I will

Robin-okay *hugs her*I just didn't want to lose you to him.

Y/n-and I don't want to lose you to anyone

-They kiss-
Short ass chapter 🙁
But thanks for reading!!

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