Not in the mood

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Robin-why didn't you say goodnight to me last night like you always do

Y/n-I just didn't like the way that you two guys were listening to our conversation

Robin-well I'm sorry ig



Y/n-such a good to apologize *walks away*

Robin-what did I say wrong?

Finney-hey robin!

Robin-hey fin

Finney-everything good??

Robin-y/n is mad at me because we were listening to their conversation last night

Finney-well she'll get over it trust me

Robin-hope so

Finney-so me and Donna are going to be at her house hang out and watching movies

Robin-like what type of movies?


Robin-you sure you'll be able to handle that?

Finney-hey!ofc I will

Robin-just playing with you cmon let's go eat breakfast

-They all sit down at the table-

Robin-hey y/n

Y/n-*looks over*

Gwen-what's going on?

Donna-yeah you've two haven't been talking

Y/n-nothings going on don't worry

Robin-I'm sure something is going on y/n


Donna-what happened?!

Robin-yeah what happened y/n

Y/n-can you actually shut the fuck up robin*she stands up and goes upstairs *

Carlos-woah there


Gwen-what did you do?

Robin-you see y/n is a girl who doesn't like when people hear her conversations and do it without her knowing it pisses her off for some reason

finney-and we did that last night

Robin-yeah and she's mad at me because I was apart of it

Carlos-well apologize

Robin- I did

Carlos-what did you say?

Robin-Well I'm sorry ig

Carlos-you said ig?


Gwen-your so stupid

Donna-you don't say that when apologizing it sounds like if you don't mean it

Robin-then what should I say?

Finney-just say I'm sorry that I did that and I promise I'll never do that again Or something like that

Robin-okay then

Carlos-you better head up before she comes down here and goes out

Robin-yeah okay

-He goes upstairs-



Robin-you okay??

Y/n-I guess

Robin-I'm sorry y/n for listening to your conversation last night I'm really sorry I truly mean it

Y/n-it's okay I forgive you*hugs him*

Robin-*kisses her*im glad

Y/n-we should get going to school now

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