After the dance.

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-After the dance y/n hears someone knock the door-

Y/n-I'm going!*opens door* oh hey Robin welcome back home

Robin-hey pretty

Y/n-*closes door*

Robin-so you left early?

Y/n-yeah the dance was getting boring tbh-

Robin-I can agree

Y/n-did you leave your date home??

Robin-nope she got mad at me because she saw us holding Hands and left me to go with her friends-

Y/n-at least she knows we have something

Robin-yeah finally someone knows right

Y/n-I know like how come nobody has noticed-

Robin-*laughs* I know right

Y/n-crazy shit

Robin-really is let's sit on the couch


Robin-*puts arm around y/n* sucks we couldn't dance today right.

Y/n-yeah it sucked another reason on why I left but the dance is over so

Robin-but who says we still can't dance

Y/n-no one.

Robin-exactly let's dance

Y/n-but no music?

Robin-I'll put music

Y/n-oh okay!

-Robin puts music on-

Robin-*puts his arms around y/ns waist

Y/n-*puts her arms around robins neck*

-They dance looking into eachothers eyes-

Robin-*kisses y/n*

-They kiss -

Y/n's mom-Kids!! Open the door we left our keys inside

Y/n-*stops kissing Robin * shit!!

Robin-Fuck! I'll sit down at the table

Y/n-okay hurry!

Y/n's mom-hurry!! It's cold out here

Step dad-super cold !

Y/n*opens door* so sorry about that I was in the bathroom

Step dad-what were you and Robin doing?

Y/n-uH nothing

Step dad-this is my love song .

Y/n-Oh! Me and Robin were practicing for a girl that he may uH take to another dance??

Step dad-hm okay.

Y/n's  mom-but the next dance is like in a couple months.

Y/n-Early practice!!!

Step dad- okay we'll be upstairs in our room sleeping night kids


Y/n-sleep good!

-They go upstairs-

Robin-thank goodness you know how to cover shit up

Y/n-it's my thing

Robin-sad our kids had to end

Y/n-we can keep going

Robin-they will see us if they come downstairs

Y/n -actually behind the book shelf you can barley see anything from upstairs trust me-

Robin-alright let's go

-They make out-

Robin-*stops* woah.

Y/n-talent you got there

Robin-it's my thing

Y/n -*laughs*well I'm going to bed I'll see you at school tomorrow *kisses his cheek *

Robin-sleep good hermosa

-Next morning-

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