Is it a secret or just a rumor?

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-School ends-

Y/n is walking back home with Robin

Robin-so what you wanna do when we get back home?

Y/n -watch movies?

Robin-yeah and today is date night so we have the house to ourselves

Y/n-starting to like date nights

Robin-me too

-Arrive home to find Bruce with y/n's mom-

Y/n's mom-Y/n sit down please.


Y/n's mom-you too Robin.


Y/n's mom-So Bruce tell me what you saw at school today please.

Bruce-I saw y/n and Robin making out in school and I said just best friends and Robin said Or more then that puto.

Y/n's mom -y/n,Robin is that true??

Y/n-No it's not mom

Robin-what y/n said

Bruce-you guys are such liars-

Y/n-mom I like someone else not Robin

Robin-yeah me too

Y/n's mom-Who?


Y/n-I like finney!


Y/n's mom-well alright

Bruce-if I were you I'd keep my eyes on them.*he leaves mad*

Y/n's mom -well now that that ended me and your uncle will be leaving

Y/n-okay mom have fun

Y/n's mom-please don't do nothing stupid I don't want people claiming you two are dating

Robin-yes ma'am
-They leave -

Y/n -you get the popcorn ready and I'll go change


-Y/n changes into her pjs

Robin-you look cute


-They kiss-
-Movie ends and they fall asleep-
-Next morning-

Robin-Shit shit! Y/n! Wake up we're going to be late!


-They get ready and run to school-

Y/n-close one Robin-


Y/n-I'll see you around

Robin-see you

-In class bruce and Donna sit next to y/n

Bruce-Bold of you to lie to your mom like that

Donna-can you leave her alone like she doesn't want you like take the hint-

Bruce-shut it finnney

Donna-were coming up with names now o-

Y/n-stop it both of you

Bruce-I have a class with Robin next I'm going to make him angry

Random girl-Hey y/n is it true you and Robin are dating??

Y/n-who told you that?

Bruce- I did

Random girl-Y/n your becoming popular ever since there was a rumor you and Robin were making out in the hall way

Bruce-Wasn't a rumor it's true

Y/n-bruce can you actually stop this bs

Bruce-your loss

Y/n-wtv I'm going to the bathroom-sir may I go to the bathroom??


-Y/n walks out-

Y/n-so annoying-

Robin-*wraps arms around her*who is?

Y/n-oh you know Bruce

Robin-that jerk face who wouldn't know him

Y/n-I'm so tired of him-

Robin-I know you are y/n but wanna go somewhere more private


Robin-I know a place follow me

-He takes her under the stairs
They make out-
-A few minutes pass

Y/n-Robin I don't want to ruin this but I have to be going to class

Robin-ugh okay I'll let you go

-Y/n kisses him-

Y/n -I'll see you at home

Robin-see you beautiful

Thanks for reading!

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