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-Donna sees finney sitting down in the couch-


Finney-what Donna.

Donna-I swear I was planning to tell you but I didn't know how to tell you because I didn't know how you'd handle it.

Finney-when did you find out you were moving?

Donna-a month ago.

Finney-a month ago?! Why didn't you saw something before you realize now we have less time to be with eachother

Donna-I wanted to tell you but if I did then I wouldn't feel the same knowing I'd be leaving you in a few weeks

Finney-you should've said something donna now we have less time

Donna- I know finney but I just want you to understand that it's hard talking about this and why are you so bothered that I didn't tell you sooner?

Finney-because Donna I don't want to lose you

Donna-you won't lose me finney I'll always be in your heart and you'll always be in mine I promise that

Finney-what if when you move you find someone else.

Donna-Or what if you find someone else?

Finney-I don't think it's possible

Donna-maybe it is finney we don't know what could happen in the future

Finney-but I really don't want to lose you Donna.

Donna-you won't finney


Donna-I love you finney I always will

Finney-I love you too donna

Donna-*kisses him* I'm glad to hear that finney

Finney-I'll make time count just for you Donna

Donna-me too cmon let's go to upstairs and get rest

-They go upstairs-


Finney-we're going to make these two weeks the best two weeks

Robin-glad to hear that finney

Finney-thanks Robin

Y/n-we should be sleeping now

Carlos-yeah*hugs Gwen*- night beautiful

Gwen-night Carlos

Finney-*kisses donna*night

Donna-night finney

Y/n-yeah let's go into the rooms now


-girls close the door -

Carlos-dang y/n didn't hug you nor kiss you that's gotta hurt

Robin-yeah it did

Finney-she prolly is just tired?

Robin-yeah let's go to sleep now.

-They all go to bed

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