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-It's now the morning y/n and Robin are now in a secret relationship-

Y/n-Good morning guys!

Step dad-good morning y/n

Y/n's mom-good morning y/n

Robin-morning y/n!

Y/n's mom-so y/n you have to go with bruce to school so he can know where to go he'll be here any minute

Y/n-oh okay.

-Robins mind-
Who tf is bruce?
And why does she have to walk with him
She has to be walking with me and Gwen with finney
Let's hope this jerk doesn't want to take her away-

Y/n-I'll be going now by-

Robin-wait!I'll walk with you guys

Bruce-I actually wanna walk with only y/n so I can get to know her better.

Robin-well you can get to know me

Bruce-later maybe?

Robin-how about now?

Bruce-I'm good

Y/n's mom- Robin let them walk together they want to know eachother good

Step dad-yeah Robin let them walk alone

Robin-wtv I'm leaving to finney's

-Y/n and Bruce started walking to school

Y/n-you're very interesting bruce

Bruce-get that a lot


Bruce-yeah*puts arm around y/n*

Y/n-What you doing?

Bruce-just something That I wanted to do with

-Finney spots Y/n

Finney-Is that y/n?


Finney-over there with that guy


Finney-wow looks like y/n has a boyfriend now


finney-yeah look he has his arms around her

Robin-I knew I shouldn't have let that happen!

Y/n-that's funny bruce

Bruce-I know right *they laugh

Y/n-your so fun-

Robin-What the fuck are you two doing?!


Bruce-We're just doing what couples do


Y/n-no no not a couple robin

Bruce-why do you care for what I know you and y/n are just friends so you shouldn't care about what we do-

Robin-I'm her b-

Y/n-Best friend!!! Yeah best friend right Robin

Robin-shit yeah we are so I care about her bruce

Bruce-well you shouldn't I have her in my arms and soon to be on my lips

Y/n-Bruce shut up please-

Bruce-it's true

Robin-why can-

Finney-robin let's go you should not care about what they doing unless y'all dating and you guys aren't so-

Robin-wtv I'll see you around y/n

-They arrive at school-

Y/n-*opens locker*why did this have to happen-

Robin-because you prolly let him do that to you y/n.

Y/n-robin! Listen I'm so sorry that happened if i told him to take his arms off of me he would have known something was up

Robin-guess s-

Bruce-hey pretty

Robin-ay man we're talking so get the fuck out of here

Bruce-well  talking to y/n not you-

Robin-well I'm talking t-

Bruce-hey y/n wanna go watch a movie today at the drive in?

Y/n-sorry bruce I'll be hanging out with Robin today sorry

Bruce-it's fine I guess well Ill see you around

Robin-I don't want you talking to him anymore y/n

Y/n-I'm sorry but you can't tell me who I can talk to and who I can't talk too


-Bell Rings-

Y/n-I'll see you around Robin

-In class-

Donna-so how you and Bruce?


Donna-yeah the whole school is talking about him having his arms around you while walking to school

Y/n-we aren't a thing Donna

Donna-How come when people ask he says we're talking rn

Y/n-he does?

-Y/n sees Robin outside her classroom door waving and saying to outside-

Y/n-I'll be back

Y/N-Sir may I use the restroom?

Teacher-ofc y/n take the pass

Y/n thank you sir

-She goes out the class-

Y/n-hey Robin

Robin-hey hermosa

-He leans in to kiss y/n-
-They kiss-

Bruce-Just best friends?


Robin-or maybe more puto

Bruce-unbelievable *walks away*

Y/n-you realize he could tell my mom-

Robin-who cares right now let's keep going

Y/n-let's do this at home okay?I have to get back to class *kisses his cheek

Robin-okay okay see you hermosa

-School ends-

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