so i heard...

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-I'll tell him but first I'll put my pjs on-

-Y/n heads downstairs-

Robin-nice pjs

Y/n-thanks robin

Robin-no problem come sit down let's watch this movie


-Robin falls asleep in the middle of the movie-

Y/n-how do I even tell you Robin I don't even know how I feel.

Y/n-I'll just go upstairs
-She goes upstairs-

-Robin wakes up-

Robin-y/n?oh shit I fell asleep *turns off tv*
guess I'll go check on her-

Y/n*writing in diary*
-Y/n Diary-
Dear diary,
I just found out Robin likes me I really don't know how to tell about it I just haven't had time to think about it I don't know if I should talk to him about it or if I should just stay quiet and talk to someone about it like Donna or Gwen their my only friends who are girls if I'm being hon-


Y/n*shuts diary*OH hi Robin-

Robin-what you doing??


Robin-y/n reading impossible-

Y/n-well I am

Robin-why'd you leave me alone downstairs

Y/n-I didn't know what to do so I left.

Robin-you could've At least woken me up -

Y/n I know I know.

Robin-can I sit and read your book with you?

Y/n-NO. I mean no it's a girly book just not for you

Robin-so? Does it look like I give a fuck my uncle and your mom aren't home so might as well do something

Y/n-guess so

Robin-I'll just sit beside you-*sits


Robin-open the damn book y/n

Y/n -oh so

Robin-that's no girly book that's a whole diary Ouu full of y/n secrets.

Y/n-okay fine but I won't open it because you want me too it's only for me


Y/n-whatever *puts diary away*

Robin-so what you wann-

Y/n-Robin can we talk about something.

Robin-ofc we can y/n talk to me

Y/n-so I heard what you said to finney  about me about you  liking me and well I just heard everything if I'm being honest.

Robin-y-you did..

Y/n -yeah and I wanted to make sure I heard right...

Robin-well you heard right y/n

Y/n-so you do?

Robin-yeah I do y/n ever since I laid eyes on you I did


Robin-but do you?

Y/n-Robin I don't know ho-

Robin-it's alright y/n I understand well I'll Cya tomorrow in the morning goodnight y/n

Y/n-goodnight Robin.

-Next morning -

Y/n's mom-wake y/n get ready we are going to breakfast with a new friend I made and her son so get ready and look pretty!

Y/n-Alright mom.

-Y/n gets ready and is ready to leave-


Thanks again for reading my story I'll keep writing more chapters because atm I have nothing else to do I love you guys!

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