Breakfast with moms friend.

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-Heads downstairs ready to leave to breakfast-

Step dad-Wow y/n you look pretty like always but this time better right Robin

Robin-yeah she does where you going y/n?

Y/n-breakfast with my moms friend

Y/n's mom-And her son maybe y/n will like a guy this time


Y/n ...why don't we get going mom

Y/n's mom-okay y/n bye babe I'll see you and Robin later Cya two!

Step dad-Bye love ,Bye y/n!


Y/n-bye guys*closes door*

-they arrive to the dinner-

Y/n's mom-Hi!

Y/n's moms friend-Hi!! This my son Bruce

Y/n's mom-oh hi there Bruce this my daughter y/n

Y/n -hello

Bruces mom-hi! Your so pretty just like your mother

Y/n-thank you!

Bruce- hello! Y/n and y/n's mom


-They go in and order food-

Y/n- so bruce are you new here in town?

Bruce-yeah I am I moved here like three days ago

Y/n-that's nice

Bruce -so my mom tells me your going to my school

Y/n-guess I am

Bruce-hope we can become closer then your very pretty btw

Y/n-thanks bruce

-Y/n and her mom arrive back home -

Y/n's mom-we're back!

Step dad-hey guys howd it go?

Y/n's mom- great I think y/n really liked her son"smiles*

Step dad-did you y/n

Y/n-he's nice but not who i have in mind wheres Robin?

Short chapter guys! Thanks for reading again love you !

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