Okay we can talk about it.

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Y/n -so where is Robin?

Step dad-upstairs reading

Y/n-Robin reading?

Step dad-weird right I couldn't believe myself-

Y/n-wait readi-*Eyes widen*ROBIN-
-Y/N runs upstairs -

Y/n-*Opens door *where the fuck is it?!?

Robin-*leans on door*looking for this?

Y/n-Robin! I'm not playing around give it back you stupid bitch !

Robin-okay okay chill here*hands over*

Y/n-*takes back*thank you.

Robin-see that diary was very very interesting so you really don't know how you feel about me -

Y/n-*closes door*yeah I really don't Robin

Robin-it's wtv I guess how was the breakfast

Y/n-it was good I met a guy

Robin-you like him?

Y/n -nope he's nice and all but not what I have in mind-

Robin-who you have in mind?!

Y/n-that doesn't matter jus-

Robin-can we talk about how we feel y/n?


Robin-I do like you y/n I really do I'm not playing around seriously I want to take things slow but I can't with you yk?


Robin-so I want for us to be more but I'm secret because I don't want my uncle or your mom saying stuff

Y/n - I was so thinking about that

Robin-exactly so I want us to be slow but fast about this

Y/n -okay Robin I know and I like you back Robin

Robin-happy to know *smiles

Y/n-so .

Robin-y/n will you be my girlfriend?

Y/n-ofc I will Robin

-They Kiss-

Robin-I've been waiting for this moment for a long time

Y/n-same robin

Y/n's mom-You guys okay in there?

Y/n-shit. Yes mom!!


-Making out-

Y/n's mom -*knocks*

Y/n-*whispering*Robin wait

Robin-okay okay

Y/n-*opens* yes mom?

Y/n's mom-everything good in here you guys have been really quiet today

Y/n-yes mom we're just talking about life and how I uhm like someone.


Y/n's mom-who?!

Y/n-someone mom I'll tell you when I talk to them about it

Y/n's mom-hm okay girl I'll leave you two to talk

-She leaves-

Robin-that was a close one

Y/n-it really was

Y/n-it's getting late and we got school tomorrow so I'm going to bed

Robin-why already

Y/n-because I'm not trying to go to sleep late Robin-

Robin-ughh fine I'll let you sleep one last kiss please


-They Kiss-

Robin-sleep good beautiful

Y/n-you too robin

Thanks for reading! Next chapter will prolly come out tomorrow love you guys!

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