chapter 15

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i drag y/n to the table and she sits on my lap.
i pull out a notebook and a pen planning to write down anything from her dream.

"y/n have you read the news about this kid named finney going missing?. people are assuming a black van has something to do with the kidnapping. your dream may mean something" i ask rambling on while squeezing her hand gently
"vance we cant just jump to conclusions. its only just a dream it doesn't mean anything" she says reassuringly and i sigh. "y/n i get a bad feeling whenever that black van comes around. i don't think its a normal thing. she looks at me and puts her soft hands on my face then moves a curl behind my ear giving me immediate butterflies.

"vance its going to be okay. even if it isn't just a dream nothing is going to happen to us.

nothing can break us apart vance.

as long as we have each other nothing bad will happen its going to be okay."
y/n says brushing her thumb across my cheek.

i know her dream has to mean something it cant just be a coincidence its just too out there but i dont wanna stress myself out about it and push it.

i take a deep breath and hug her tightly as she's still on my lap. "vance are going to be okay?" y/n asks softly. i lean back in my chair and look at her worried expression

"yeah darling i'll be fine. still kind of shaken up from the events that happened today" i say honestly and she hits my arm playfully "hey!" i whisper yell and she giggles "vance i already apologized come on. plus i have only you today anyway" she says rolling her eyes.

robin's pov:

the fight with vance was bullshit and i totally could've gotten him but i couldn't stop thinking about how me and him were always here for each other and now we're competing against each other for a girl.

i walked home angrily holding my knuckles so the blood dripping from them wouldn't get all over my shirt which was the least of my problems anyway.

why didn't he just fucking hit me one last time i mean it already seemed like he didn't care anyway.

i opened the door and saw nobody was home and i went to the bathroom to wrap my hands up and disinfect.

i'm not gonna give y/n up that easily. it felt right when she was laying on me and comforting her. she's so pretty and i know me and vance are friends but me and him took it too damn far but he doesn't know how to talk things through he just jumped to conclusions thinking that i stole her from him and shit which technically isn't a hundred percent false but she fucking came to me and not him.

i take my bandana off and grab a hair tie from the drawer in my bathroom and put my hair up so its not in my face.
i walk to my room and slam the door then open my window to get some fresh air and notice a black van pulling into the house across from mine.

i always had a bad feeling about the neighbors over there. albert shaw. every time i would see him he would have this stupid mask on but lately i would see another man there i assumed to be his brother or something.

i roll my eyes and plop down onto my bed looking at the ceiling.

vance pov:

"vance i'm bored" i hear y/n say as she gets off my lap. "am i boring to you" i say putting a hand on my chest acting offended y/n rolls her eyes playfully and runs upstairs and i lift an eyebrow confused. she walks back downstairs with a needle and ink. a

"no y/n" i say shooing her away. "come on vance please it'll be fun" y/n says looking at me crossing her arms. i groan
"ugh you're lucky i lov-" i stop myself for a second "stick n pokes" i say trying to change what i was going to say. she sighs and walks over to me and drags me to the couch.

i grab the supplies and set it on the coffee table to the side of the couch. i'm glad that didn't get in the way while me and robin were fighting that shit would've hurt bad especially if it broke i'd be pulling glass out of my back.

i dont wanna hurt her while im doing this. "where do you want me to do it?" she smirks and i roll my eyes "y/n. the stick n poke bozo".

"on my arm and i want a heart or something" she says demandingly and i give her a small smile. i hesitantly grab her arm so its on my lap.

i dont wanna hurt her so i'm being as gentle as possible to the point where she says something "vance you have to stab it in my arm so it actually does something." she says clearly annoyed.
"i dont wanna hurt you" i say going a little bit deeper with the next poke and she winces.
i hold her hand with my left hand so she can squeeze it if it hurts.

i'm taking my time very slowly and she starts messing with my hair. "y/n don't start braiding it i remember the last you did that and i spent about 20 minutes trying to undo it" i say still concentrating on the tattoo.

"you're so dramatic i could've unbraided it for u weirdo. the only reason why it took so long is bc your hair is so curly"  she says repositioning her arm. "i could just...cut it" i say jokingly
"dont you fucking dare vance" y/n says seriously giving me a look.

"i wont i wont"

"good. because i would fight you"

"oh would you now?" i say adding more ink
"yes vance. you look good with long hair it suits you" she says patting my hair.

when i finish i wipe the extra ink off her arm and its a perfect heart. i was very proud of myself because i've never done it on someone else before i've only done it on myself and it was the pinball high score that i was aiming towards 7714.
i think its a little infected because my skin is red around it, its very strange.

"i'm done darling. do you like it?" i ask nervously
she looks at it "its so..." i sigh "amazing!" she throws her arms around me and hugs me
"thank you vance".

robin pov:

i needed to get some fresh air.

i'm stressed because i still want to be friends with vance but if y/n is going to get in the way then i don't know how thats gonna work. i grab my jacket from the coat rack and walk outside,closing the door.

i put my hands in my pockets and walk down the side walk. its pitch black outside but i don't give a shit right now.

i notice a black van in the ally i'm heading towards but just ignore the van not thinking anything of it. once i get there a man walks out and walks towards me.

"do you want to see a magic trick?"

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