chapter 12

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a/n- longer chapter for you guys <3

you're in class laying your head down on the cold desk in front of you while your teacher is going on about something random. you're excited to see vance again it seems like its been forever but you're not excited to explain to him why you're wearing robin's jacket. he's gonna freak out once he figures out people were picking on you. you look at the clock above the classroom door and sigh only 5 more minutes left.

"okay class you guys have five minutes to find a partner and explain what you have learned today" the teacher says looking around the class

"what the hell" you whisper. everyone is walking around nervously finding a partner and someone taps on your shoulder "hi i'm donna wanna be partners?" a girl with brown hair says nicely and gives a small smile. you think for a second and nod giving her a smile back "to be honest i have no idea what she was talking about i was completely zoned out." you say laughing awkwardly.
"me too ugh this day has been so slow. wanna be friends? you seem nice and in need of someone to talk to during class" donna says looking directly at you. "of course we can be friends. i'm y/n".

you guys spend the past few minutes giggling and talking about your hobbies then the bell rings.
"i'll see you later donna! bye" you say giving her a small hug then she walks away.

you sigh and go look for vance

vance pov:

the bell rings and i immediately ran out the door to go look for y/n. i have a bad feeling something happened but i keep brushing it off. i see y/n walking slowly down the hallway dragging her feet.

she's wearing robins hoodie what the fuck
why is she wearing his hoodie?

without thinking i angrily walk closer to y/n and grab onto her wrist then yank her into the bathroom. "what the fuck y/n why are you wearing robins jacket do you fucking like him or something." i say looking down at her.
she starts to tear up from my sudden roughness and my yelling. "vance its not even like that. uhm some girls were picking on me and poured coffee on me and robin offered me his jacket. i'm sorry i should've went to find you once it happened" she sniffles and looks down at her feet nervously.

fuck i just yelled at her for nothing i let my anger issues take over me and i made her cry. who the fuck was messing with my girl, i'll beat their fucking ass until they bleed.

"darling i'm so sorry i didn't know i shouldn't have yelled at you like that. you didn't deserve that." i pull her in for a hug and i put my hands on both sides of her face and kiss her nose.

i felt so bad.

"vance i know you're thinking about killing whoever was messing with me but they were girls." she mumbles against my chest.
i sigh and roll my eyes then ask her if they said anything to her "yeah they told me to stay away from you but i didn't comment back" i hold her tighter "baby don't worry about them. i'm stuck with you and i'll always have your back they shouldn't be threatening you" she nods and wipes her eyes. "if they mess with you again you tell me and i'll do something about it." i say blankly.

we walk out the bathroom hand in hand and go outside. we see robin talking to some kids i grip onto y/n's hand and she glares up at me but i keep looking forward.

"bye i'll see you next week" i hear robin say to the people that were around him as they walk away.

robin sees us and waves and i sigh then walk over to him. he gives y/n a sad smile then looks up at me
"hey do you guys wanna go see texas chainsaw massacre? my uncle can take us to the drive in." robin asks happily

"oh my god i wanna go that sounds like so much robin" y/n says giving him a big smile. i roll my eyes "yeah robin we'll be there you can pick us up around 7:30"  i say annoyingly and pulling y/n away before she gets to say anything again.

"vance what the fuck why are you acting like this? i wanted to talk to him" she says trying to take my hand away from hers "god damn y/n stop being so complicated i just dont like how he acts around you." i see her smirk "ooo big bad vance is jealous" i roll my eyes then throw her over my shoulder "hey! vance let me down!" she says giggling "no can do".

once we get home i plop her down on the couch and pepper her with kisses "vance stop it" y/n says trying to hide her face. i grab both of her hands and pin them against the couch and kiss her lips then walk away leaving her stunned.

i just need to distract her from robin. she's not my girlfriend but i need him to know that she's taken either way. robin is still my best friend no matter what happens.

i change into more comfy clothes for the drive in.
y/n walks after i'm done changing "vance, robin is here hurry up bozo" i grab a blanket from the couch and walk outside to see y/n already in the car. i open the door and slide in, y/n is sitting in the middle and its kind of squished because the passenger seat of robins car is filled with random shit. i notice robins arm go behind y/n head and i give him a look but he doesn't look at me. i put my hand on y/n's thigh and she tenses then stops.

once we get to the drive in robins uncle goes off somewhere so its just me,robin, and y/n.

robin opens the trunk of his uncles car and gets in. we need snacks so i decided to go get snacks. "hey robin do you want anything?" i ask quietly "hell yeah can you just get me some popcorn" robin says with a smile. i nod then y/n says she wants popcorn too and i walk away.

y/n pov:

you sit in the back of the trunk waiting for the movie to start and for vance to get back.
"hey uhm i noticed that vance has been trying to keep you away from me are you guys dating or something?" robin asks awkwardly as he fixes his gray bandana. you sit down criss cross in the car and look at him "well no i dont think so ugh i'm not 100% sure why he's keeping me away from you robin you're really nice to me and i cant thank you enough for letting me use your jacket" you say rocking side to side. he grabs your hand and kisses it and you blush without realizing. thankfully vance hasn't came back yet to see robin kissing your hand.

god. vance would freak out so much right now

you see a blonde haired boy walking over with two bags of popcorn and notice it was vance. you scoot away from robin and thank vance for getting the popcorn. vance sits down then hesitantly pulls you into his lap and wraps in arms around you making sure robin is watching.
robin rolls his eyes and slumps back crossing his arms on his stomach and looks forward to watch the movie. you leaned against vances chest and took a deep breath. after a while you fell asleep

robin's pov
y/n is absolutely beautiful and i'm glad i was there with her earlier to help her when those assholes ruined her sweater. she looked so good in my jacket. i notice vance seems very protective and touchy with y/n which is weird because i've never seen vance ever be so touchy with anyone before so it was a big surprise to me seeing vance allow her to kiss his cheek. me and vance have been friends since we were babies and i care about him a lot but he always shuts me out without realizing it.

i got butterflies when i hugged y/n and when i comforted her but i know vance is trying to make me jealous and i'm tired of it. they aren't even fucking dating so i dont see any issue here. i notice y/n asleep in vances arms and i cut the silence

"vance do we have a problem? we literally met today after not seeing each other since the arcade and theres already tension." i say with an attitude.
"robin i honestly dont know what the hell you're talking about" vance says acting clueless. "bullshit" i say calmly

"listen robin i dont like how you're always flirting with her and you've only just met her damnit" vance says trying to keep his calm trying not to wake up y/n.

"you guys are even dating dipshit so i dont see an issue" i whisper yell while giving vance a deep stare.
"well buddy she's living with me so good luck"
vance says rolling his eyes playfully.

i will get her.

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