chapter 16

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robin pov:

he asks while looking at me desperately.

he has this creepy looking mask on hiding the bottom part of his face.
"no sorry i'm doing something" i say clearly uninterested.
"please its really nice you're gonna like it" he asks again. i groan and i give in "fine yeah show me".
i look around the area and notice black balloons in the back of his van "are those black balloons?" i ask dumbly trying to distract him so i can walk away. "these?" he opens the door quickly then stuffs the balloons in my face and grabs onto my head "help!" i yell hoping to get someone to notice me. he then sprays something into my mouth making me pass out then throws me in the back of his van and lets the black balloons go.

"night night"

i wake up on a mattress in some sort of basement and i look around the area and notice a black phone. i immediately get up to see if it would work.

vance pov:
i'm leaving the house to go to apologize to robin today which is draining me. i don't want to apologize its his fault that we got in the argument anyway he decided to not listen to me and flirt with y/n when i fucking told him not to.
y/n is sitting on the couch watching tv and then the news comes on

"robin Arellano has gone missing"

y/n hears that then turns to me quickly
"oh my god vance he's gone" y/n says as she looks at me worryingly.

"no no no" i start to repeat as i hold my head with both of my hands and walk back and forth constantly until i feel arms around me.

"its my fault y/n i'm the reason why he's fucking gone fuck." i say trying not to tear up.
"vance none of this is your fault please don't think that" she says into my chest

it is my fault. he would still be here if i wasn't just a jackass and kicked him out. god damnit now he's missing. kidnapped? what am i supposed to do?

"vance i think you should lay down to calm down" i hear y/n say quietly

"what the fuck y/n calm down? seriously? how am i supposed to calm down when my best friend of years is missing because i kicked him out and the last thing i said to him was that i don't wanna see him again." i say getting up in y/n's face as she backs up against the wall. i sigh.
"i'm gonna go upstairs i need some alone time"

i stomp upstairs into my room and start kicking things around the room out of stress and anger.

once i find the fucker who kidnapped robin

i'm gonna kill him.

y/n pov:

vance stomps upstairs after you told him to calm down. you didn't mean it in the way he thought you just wanted him to control his emotions he was going to let out ahead of time but instead he yelled at you and walked upstairs.

you can't believe robin was gone.

he said nothing was going to happen to him but he's gone now.

robin did mean a lot to you just from comforting you with kind words and being there when you were sad just like vance. you want to cry and find him and hug him again but you cant.
you wish you could do something.

robin pov:

i pick the phone up and mess with the wire that is connected to the box.

"the phone doesn't work it hasn't since i was a kid" i hear a voice say behind me and i whip my head around and see the grabber in the door way leading to the upstairs.

"hang up the phone kid i told you it doesn't work"
the man said again more tensely and i drop the phone "what the fuck am i doing here and what the hell are you gonna do." i say giving him a dirty look. "oh nothing just to look at you" he says with a straight face.

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