chapter 7

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y/n pov

you guys walk out from the skating rink from what happened and you were kind of stressed out. you didn't want this kid messing with him anymore because he didn't deserve that.

you remember getting bullied when you were in 7th grade and it was the worst feeling. people would pick on you for your looks and the way your hair looked and would just mess with you to get on your nerves. you wanted to just go to sleep and never wake up. there was nothing worth living for anymore at the time. your living condition was trash and your dad was dead and your mom didn't care about you even back then. you had friends but they always had other friends and you felt left out.

ever since you met vance you started feeling like you were alive again and the only reason you started working was so you could move out of the current house you have been living in ever since you were a baby. your mom shouldn't have been your responsibility but you should've been hers.

you feel happy around vance even when he has his sudden breakouts but you feel like you're helping him by comforting him and being calm.
you love vance.

vance holds your hand while walking to the ice cream parlor.
"hey uhm vance" you say quietly and he looks at you. "yeah y/n?" he asks. "can you please order for me? i dont feel like going up there and embarrassing myself or changing my m-" you ramble out.
"hey hey its okay darling i can its no big deal what would you like for me to get you?"
"(favorite flavor) please. and thank you vance." you say then walk off to a red table near the side of the building.

you were embarrassed about asking him because you thought he would be annoyed of you and get over yourself but he was calm with you and accepted.
you look around the area and see the trees turning color because it's fall. you loved the fall and changes it did to the trees. you most of all loved carving pumpkins but you've always been alone while doing so. maybe you and vance would be able to at some point you thought.

"y/n? y/n?" you hear and look in front of you and see vance waving the ice cream in your face.
"sorry i was thinking" you whisper out.
"he looks down at you and kisses your forehead which takes you by surprise.

you grab the ice cream and finish very quickly but your stomach started hurting but you didn't think anything of it. maybe it was just a cramp or something.

it started to get dark out and you didn't want to go home just yet. "vance do you think we could go to a park or something together?"

"yeah i dont see why not as long as im with you i dont care what we do. you keep me sane"

you give him a small smile and place your hand on top of his ,stuck on what to say.

you guys decided to go to a nearby park. it was pretty empty but there was a huge swing set and a merry-go-round.
you let go of his hand that was holding onto you tightly and run to the merry go round "vance can you push it" you yell at him. vance rolls his eyes and looks at you "y/n." he groans.

"i'll give you a kiss if you do" you blurt out.
he looks at you with wide eyes and surprisingly walks over to you. he puts one hand on the bars and walks around in a circle. "vance you aren't even doing anything. like its barely moving" say looking at him in disappointment.

"y/n you're being dramatic" he groans then runs until it goes fast in circles then you start to feel dizzy. "VANCE vance s-stop"

he stops immediately and you get off and hold your stomach as you throw up.
he runs over to you and lifts your hair up so its not in your face. "y/n are you okay?" he asks softly.
"yeah i-it must've been from the ice cream" you say wiping your mouth with your shirt.
"guess you don't want that kiss anymore" you joke.
"well we could get mints" he says rolling his eyes playfully.

he takes your hand over to the small drinking fountain in the park and you drink the water then spit it out.

"eww that water taste gross. like lake water"
he laughs and you glare at him. his laugh is so nice and the way his eyes light up when he smiles. you wish he would do it more often.
"y/n, love you're staring" he says boldly.
you blush and look away and walk towards the swings and hop on.

"vance push me" you demand and he groans like he did when you asked him to push the
merry-go-around. "y/n dont you think this is a bad idea after you literally just threw up" he says looking at you.
"vance i'm fineeee just push the damn swing" you said getting impatient.
he walks over and puts his hands on your back which gives you chills.

he pushes you for a few minutes then you jump off and grab his hand and drag him over to the slide.
"y/n i'm not getting on the fucking slide. i'm not a child."

"vance dont be a bum just get up here."
he rolls his eyes and drags his feet coming up.
he sits down and u push him down immediately without any warning or anything.
he falls down on his butt once he hits the ground

"oh no you did not" he says playfully.
he crawls up the playset fast and you squeal.
you feel hands grab your waist and he throws you over his shoulder and walks towards the sidewalk.

"hey! let me down. not fair!" you giggle and you start moving your legs to try to get down but his strength is too strong. you sigh and stop trying and just drop your hands down his back.
"hey buddy watch your hands" you joke and hear him scoff.

"this is probably the most fun i've had in years" you both say in sync. you giggle and you mess with his blonde hair still on his shoulder.

"vance can i stay the night at your house?" you ask braiding small parts of his hair without him knowing.

you see his head move in a nod and he lets you down in front of your house so you can grab a few outfits. when you walk in you dont see your mom anywhere so you sigh. you walk into your room next and grab a few outfits and hair ties.

you see vance waiting for you by your door and you nod and walk out then lock the door.
you guys walk to vances house just laughing the whole time down and enjoying each-others presence.

as soon as you get in vance looks around for his dad a realizes he's not home and fills up buddy's dog bowl and water dish then when he's done he runs up to you from behind and starts kissing your neck. "vanceee stop it" you say trying to fix up his bed and make it so the covers are over the bed the correct way.
he stops and flicks your forehead "hey!" you whisper yell as he giggles and walks over to the bathroom and brushes his teeth then gets into an oversized sweatshirt and sweatpants.

after he's done you grab your stuff and do the same but you get into shorts and a tanktop.
"vance stop staring" you say walking out from the bathroom and sitting on the bed right next to him.

"you're beautiful y/n i cant. ugh why do you even like me how would you even wanna hang around someone like me"

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