Chapter 1 - It's all my fault

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Saki, Tsukasa

I woke up in the hospital bed, Saki is sitting next to my bed, fast asleep. I checked the time, it's midnight, Saki must've been so worried. then I remembered the incident happened earlier, was I dreaming, did it really happen? I can't ask anyone right now because of the time, I guess I'll sleep even more.

I opened my eyes , it's already 8am, Saki is still sitting next to me, now awake. Before I started to talk, Saki told me everything.

"They said you had a heart attack, it wasn't a lasting thing, it's from emotional trauma, the doctors said you have to stay here for a week"

Emotional trauma... wait.

"What about Rui?"

"About that... he was put into a coma as a result of an accident, it may be longer than an average coma."

"About how long exactly?"

"At least a year."

I was devastated, without him, wonder stage cannot continue, people may forget him and... A part of me feels empty... It's like someone important to me has disappeared from my life.

During the week at the hospital, I constantly checked on Rui, hoping the estimation was wrong. I can't see him awake, it's always him with his eyes closed.

It should've been me.

He shouldn't have saved me

These thoughts floats around my mind, but I mustn't give in to these thoughts, I have to continue on, him saving me is a sign that he wants me to live, he risked his own life for mine.

For a month, I visited him everyday after school, at the same time it's having an impact on my school performance, I can't get him out of my mind.

Saki noticed, she tried to comfort me, but for me this can't work, the only thing that can work is Rui waking up, but it will take a year at least, maybe even longer.

I can't go on like this, I have to save the wonder stage first, it can't go on without a director, he's the children's favourites, with the drones and the robots, anyone would be fascinated at it.

I'll discuss it with the team later.

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