Chapter 7 - Ich liebe dich

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I arrived at the hospital, the paint has all dried, should be safe to touch. 

I went to the hospital reception, and as usual, they sent me to Rui's room. I've kind of became a regular visitor, visiting Rui every once in a while. But today, I feel different, I have an urge to say say something to him, it's not telling him happy birthday, I want to confess my love to him... Wait what?

Why am I feeling this, feeling as if I have feeling for him... Maybe I already do, but I couldn't tell til now. Do I confess it now, even though he couldn't hear it?

I'm lost in thought, but then I noticed a silhouette of what I assume is a girl because of the long hair, but I can't see anyone. I heard a sound, the sound of a bird's wing flapping. Maybe the silhouette is just of a bird? No, I was sure it's a girl that I saw, then, a feather landed in Rui's bed, one in my lap. The feather has a distinct red glow despite being white

I thought to myself how it's weird, but maybe it's a sign. My heart is racing, my face feels warm. What should I say? What should I do? I pondered, not knowing what to do. It's getting a bit late, I should leave.

I left, knowing I haven't done a move yet. Maybe next time.

I saw a cafe on the way, I should grab a quick snack.

Turns out this cafe is ran by An's father, I had a chat with An, she taught me a word in another language, the meaning... Maybe I can try that tomorrow.

I had a weird dream, I saw Rui, then got taken away by some mages. Then I got saved by Rui.

In the morning, I went straight to the plan, going to the flower shop, I bought a freeze dried red rose, so I don't have to bring a new one every three days. Should I say it now?

Despite knowing he wouldn't hear me, I kissed his forehead and said it.

"Ich liebe dich"


Sora's notes

Ich liebe dich means 'I love you' in German

the same word An taught Tsukasa

along with that and the forehead kiss is a reference to this

along with that and the forehead kiss is a reference to this

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and the feather references fu hua from honkai

and the feather references fu hua from honkai

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help i played too much honkai 3rd

It took me a while to finish this chapter and I want to thank you guys for waiting

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